- The Gentle Jesus-Not Always - Sonny Childs
- Satan’s Ultimate Failure - Julius Hovan
- Be Not Righteous Over Much - R H Boll
- Reflections On The Restoration Movement – Robert H.Boll (1875-1956) - Larry Miles
- Daniel In The Lion’s Den - R H Boll
- Pure Heart, Good Conscience, Sincere Faith - Larry Miles
- The Gift Wrap and The Jewell - Wanda B. Goines
- Teach Us To Pray - David Johnson
- I Will Fear No Evil - David Johnson
- ASK BOB: Should I Reduce My Tithe When Money is Tight? - Bob Russell
- Word and Spirit - David Jeremiah
- The Two Marks Of A Truly Wicked Person - James Johnston
- Thoughts from Ephesians # 11 - Larry Miles
- Tolerance or the True Gospel - Ken Ham
- Father Forgive Them - Ron Bartanen
- News and Notes - Bennie Hill
- Tribute To Robert H. Boll-by Stanford Chambers - Stanford Chambers
- 100 Years Ago From May 1916 Word and Work — WORDS BY THE WAY - E. L. Jorgenson
- E. L. Jorgenson: A Song Of Christian Love - Dale Jorgenson
- Going Forward With God - Julius Hovan
- Would You Immerse Me for Baptism - Bob Russell
- A Fly On The Wall - Bob Yarbrough
- O, Israel, My Servant - David Johnson
- Anticipating The Blessed Hope Titus 2:11-14 - Larry Miles
- Chapter 7: The Four Beasts of Daniel 7 - R, H. Boll
- A B C Gospel - O. N. "Nick" Marsh
- The Spirit, The Water And The Blood - David Johnson
- Thoughts From Ephesians- Number 12 - Larry Miles
- Four Means of Grace (Acts 2:42) - John Mark Hicks
- A Paradox In Prayer - Nick Boone
- News and Notes - Bennie Hill