The SPIRIT does not lay down Its Sword
Because the Sword is God’s eternal Word.
The SPIRIT works in many wonderful ways.
… The truth It reveals is for all our days,
The SPIRIT strengthens our minds and our hearts;
To withstand Satan’s evil and weary darts.
The SPIRIT opens our eyes to the spiritual light,
So we won’t feel alone in the darkness of the night.
The SPIRIT reveals that Jesus rose from the grave;
After dying for sinners whom He came to save.
The SPIRIT is speaking, so let us take heed and hear;
That God has said over and over, “Do not be dismayed or fear.”
The SPIRIT will quicken our terrestrial bodies of clay —-
Then forgiven forever for a debt we could not pay .
The SPIRIT of life of love and of comfort and of grace;
Will give us a crown of glory for a faithful life-long race.
Mitch Embry is a member of the LaGrange Church of Christ, LaGrange, KY.