This article by Stanford Chambers appeared in the January 1916 Word and Work.

Stanford Chambers (1877-1969)

Stanford Chambers (1877-1969)

Re-enforced, enlarged and greatly improved Word and WORK with this number issues henceforth from Louisville, Kentucky. This change with which we are sure all our readers will be delighted was effected before we left Louisville the early part of December. We are indeed pleased with the change. This magazine now becomes a more adequate vehicle of the good word of God than ever before.

Our greatest pleasure is afforded in being able to add to your present joy by announcing to you that R. H. Boll, that eminent scribe, a man of God, full of the Spirit, and powerful in the Scriptures, will be Editor-in-Chief of Word and Work from now on. Brother Boll needs no introduction to many of our readers and we feel sure we can promise him the hearty co-operation of all in multiplying the usefulness of “our” magazine.

Rejoiced that Word and Work passes to such competent and worthy hands our interest in the magazine has grown at once to intense enthusiasm at the prospect of its increased efficiency and usefulness. Connected with the paper from its beginning we have enjoyed our labors as writer and as publisher and rejoice to know that untold good has been accomplished. We want every reader to continue with us and to help in obtaining others.

And now let us one and all rally to Brother Boll’s support, and show him how much we appreciate his accepting his present responsibility. Write him and sincerely say, “Count on me.” We can all have fellowship in this means of furtherance of the gospel by obtaining subscribers and by praying our good Father above to abundantly bless Brother Boll and all the writers that every page may breathe, forth the Spirit of Jesus and overflow with sparkling life-giving truth fresh from the Book. And let us all pray one for another that our hearts may be open to receive the whole counsel of God.

In conclusion we wish most heartily to thank the dear brethren and “Cousin Ellen” who have stood so nobly by us in helping to fill Word and Work with good things so long and to express our appreciation of the co-operation of all our readers and workers. We wish you all a happy New Year.