- Obituary for Bro. Dale Offutt - Bennie Hill
- The Resurrection From The Dead - Robert Garrett
- Liberation of the Creation - Robert Garrett
- An Approved Servant of the Lord– One Who Follows The Old Paths Part 1 - Larry Miles
- The Osteen Predicament: Mere Happiness Cannot Bear the Weight of the Gospel - Albert Mohler
- Good Friday, Black Friday - Darren Johnson
- If God Sees When a Sparrow Falls Does He Notice When a Tooth Hurts? - Bob Russell
- Remember Your Creator - David Johnson
- Whoever Loves Money - David Johnson
- A Man Called Of God - Ron Bartanen
- Stopped By The Mouth Of Lions - Paul Merideth
- Alexander Campbell—The “Sage of Bethany” (1837-1866) - Larry Miles
- Sanctified In Christ Jesus - David Johnson
- News From The Past - Larry Miles
- News and Notes - Bennie Hill
- The Need For Articles For Word and Work - Sandra Naugle
- Dear Church: An Open Letter From One of Those Millennials You Can’t Figure Out - Jonathan
- Lessons on Daniel: Chapter I Daniel’s Early Days - R. H. Boll
- How To Know IF An Apology Is Sincere - Bob Russell
- An Approved Servant of the Lord: One Who Follows the Old Paths (Part 2) - Larry Miles
- This is How Religious Liberty Dies: The New Rules of the Secular Left
- A Society At It’s Worst - R. J. Evans
- Paradise of God - David Johnson
- Thoughts On Ephesians (# 1) - Larry Miles
- Say The Blessing - Josh Katowitz
- Prepared As A Bride - David Johnson
- Bro. Dale Offutt’s Homegoing - Bennie Hill
- Tolbert Fanning
- It’s a Moral Issue (From Branson Church of Christ) - Elders-Branson Church of Christ
- News and Notes From The Past
- News and Notes - Bennie Hill