logoww100  Years  Ago — Word & Work, 1915 — “E. L. Jorgenson is with Seventh and Camp street Church, New Orleans, in a series of meetings which have prospects of doing much good. Bro. Jorgenson is just from Mobile where he and Bro. A. Shanks held mission tent meetings. ”

90 Years Ago – Word & Work, 1925 – “Had a very profitable meeting at Camp Taylor last night, the f i r s t since Bro. Clymore left for Pulaski.”— 0 . S. Boyer.

80 Years Ago – Word & Work, 1935 – From Minmi, Fla.: “Our work with the Central church in Miami is making steady progress and we are happy in the work. We enjoy und appreciate every issue of the Word and Work.”-Willis H. Allen.

75 Years Ago – Word & Work, 1940 – “On the lawn of the Highland church, Louisville, beginning Sunday June 2, God willing, R. H. Boll Evangelist.”

60 Years Ago,  1955 Word & Work – Jennings, Louisiana — “Spring meeting starts the 20th with A. Valdetero and Stanford Broussard as speakers. Pray for us and the work here.”— Earl Mullins.

50 Years Ago — 1965 Word & Work -Tulsa, Oklahoma —  “Our little congregation is showing signs of renewed life lately. Allendancc is up. and inlcrcsl is improved. I always appreciate W&W”. -Leroy Yowell.

40 Years  Ago – 1975 — “Waterford Church  of Christ installed three elders and two deacons. Tho elders arc: Brothers John Pound, Marlin Baird ,and Lewis Schuler. The deacons are  Joseph Stone and Donald Stump. Bro. C. V. Wilson was present that day and brought the message.”

30 Years Ago – 1985 Word & Work -“Robert (Heid)  keep up the good work. May the word of the Lord go forward with souls won into His kingdom, until Jesus comes for the Church. Enjoy Price speaks out. ” Jimmy Wilson

25 Years Ago –  1990 Word & Work -” Ralph Ave. Church of Christ, Louisville : Bill Smallwood began preaching here April 15th, after  18 years at Shawnee.”