September 26-27, 2014 Ladies and teens, registrations for the Ladies Retreat at Kavanaugh are coming in and it is never too late to register right up until the day of retreat. We have plenty of beds available and would love to have you attend. Our theme this year is Light in a Culture of Darkness and is so needed in the culture in which we live today. We are sure you will be edified and encouraged in your walk with the Lord. The Teens always enjoy their time together.
If you have never attended, you will be welcomed and will appreciate the lessons from God’s word and enjoy the fellowship with other Christian Women. If you have not come lately, please rejoin us for this time of drawing away from our normal every day lives. You may respond to my email address that you wish to attend and pay upon arrival. Please include name and address information and church you attend if you respond by email: If you have a roommate preference, please also note this.
Or, the flyer is attached so that you may print it out and send in your registration. The registration form is on the outside.
PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot afford the fee, we have had donations come in that are sufficient to cover the fees of a good number who would like to attend and do not have the funds. Please do not hesitate to respond.