Kentuckiana Bible College News– Check out our web site
HAPPY #137 BIRTHDAY! (3/16/14) The Portland Ave. Church of Christ was established in 1877. Charter members included J.L. Weller & P. Galt Miller, who were leaders in starting a mission Sunday school at 25th St. & High Ave (now Northwestern Pkwy) 2 blocks from Portland Ave. They were members or had been members of the Church of Christ at Floyd & Chestnut Sts. (downtown.) They were joined that year by members of 4th & Walnut St. Church when instrumental music was introduced. By October of that same year (’77) they had moved to Portland Ave., according to a Sunday school attendance award dated that month. By 1884 their number had grown to around 120 members. F.G. Allen preached there 1879-80 while editing the Old Path Guide. This set a precedent when later ministers R. H. Boll, (1904-1956) W. Robert Heid and Alex Wilson all served as editors of the Word and Work. Continuing ministries: Portland Christian School, Kentuckiana Bible College, Wed night Bible club (neighborhood outreach), Scouts, supporting many missionaries. Times change and neighborhoods change and congregations wax or wane. The time has passed when simply having a building and a preacher will attract people. But Jesus is still a saving Lord and sinners still need Him. Christians need to grow in Him and to serve Him and other disciples and reach the lost too. “Mercy drops ‘round us are falling, but for the showers we plead!” (quote from 50th commemorative booklet of Louisville Christian Fellowship Week – 1997)
- Sunday School will start at 10:00 AM.
- Church will begin at 11:00 AM with special guest speaker Sonny Childs.
- Lunch with massive portions of fellowship and generous sides of catching up will be served from 12:30 PM till 2:15 PM
- Special guest speakers Robert Gill and Robert Garrett will give presentations about Portland Church of Christ at 2:30 PM
- Larry Miles will be videotaping the 2:30 p.m. session.
- Special musical presentation by the Portland Christian School Choir.
TRAVELING: Paul Kitzmiller & Robert Garrett will depart on March 26, 2014 for Zimbabwe. Paul plans to return to the states April 16, and Robert plans to return on July 23.
CHURCH LEADERS in the KY-IN area are invited and encouraged each month to Attend a lunch meeting at the Cherry St. Church of Christ in New Albany, Indiana. Note: Attendees should bring their own lunch. It is a time for sharing: Prayer, Devotional, News, Reports, Projects and Challenges. The meetings are announced monthly through David Longest’s e-mail address book. The eight months through the year include January, March, May, June, July, August, October, and December. Since there was NO meeting in February, the next meeting is scheduled for March, 2014. Join others at 11:30 a.m.
Ladies Inspiration Day–April 5, 2014–At Kentucky Avenue Church of Christ in Louisville, KY. More information to come.
22nd CHRISTIAN CRUSADE FOR CHRIST–MARCH 23-27, 2014 Click here for the schedule