Some years ago I canvassed approximately 100 church members
in good standing with a Church of Christ, asking them two questions.
My first question was, “Do you have hope of eternal life?” Except
for one, all answered in the affirmative–although some seemed a lit-
tle uncertain. The one who said, “No,” also added, “I don’t hope for
eternal life, because I have eternal life right now.” And he was able
to cite the appropriate scriptures.

The second question was, “Upon what do you base your hope?”

Less than ten people related their “hope” to “Jesus Christ our hope”
(1 Tim. 1: 1). Even of those who reported that they were trusting in
the Lord Jesus, there were some who weren’t too sure that they had
the right answer.

Very few knew the Way and knew that they knew  Him. Most were hoping (“Wishing” would be more accurate) on the  basis of church membership, good works, “doing the best they  could,” etc. And yet that congregation had not lacked in good sound  Bible teaching.

How could there be such abysmal ignorance of the  most fundamental fact of the gospel?

Reprint from Word & Work Magazine June, 1994 and was a reprint in the 1994 edition from an earlier Word & Work magazine