Brad Banister
About two years ago, I read a book by Bobby Valentine and John Mark Hicks called “Kingdom Come.” It was about David Lipscomb and James Harding. It also mentioned a man named Robert H. Boll. I became really interested in these men and their writings, especially Brother Boll. I got online and started researching his life and writings, in particular in Word and Work. I read that Word and Work was still being published. (Note: published only as a web magazine.)
Being curious about the magazine, I decided to call the Portland Avenue congregation and ask about subscribing. I left a message on the machine: my name and number and the reason I called. I was happily surprised when Brother Alex Wilson returned my call later that day. He was a super nice fellow to talk to. He mailed me some copies of Brother Boll’s books. I especially enjoyed the one covering Revelation and Kingdom of God. He also told me about the Kentucky Indiana Fellowship meeting there in Louisville and extended an invitation to me. It sounded like a lot of fun to me! Like getting to meet long lost family members! I couldn’t make it in 2012, but was fortunate enough to attend in 2013.
In addition to talking to Brother Wilson, I became acquainted with Brother Larry Miles, Brother Gary Butts, and Brother Robert Garrett online. Such awesome guys to talk to about the Word of God and to just talk in general. Great brethren for sure!
I finally got to make it to the 2013 Fellowship Meeting. My grandma Roma Pigg and I flew to Louisville for some fun and fellowship with some brothers and sisters we had never met face to face, but already felt like family. The meeting was excellent. Fantastic singing and speakers and lots of nice people to get to know. We got a nice tour of Louisville by Larry Miles and a lovely lunch with him and his aunt. That afternoon we got to see even more of the city with Brother and Sister Wilson. We had supper with them and got to hang out a little bit. It was so cool to spend some time with the man who’s kind return call to a stranger had brought us to this great time of fellowship!
Lord willing, I hope to visit next year. I always love to hang out with fellow Christians. Separated by many miles, but serving a common Lord! I come from an “amill” congregation in Oklahoma, but I am proud to fellowship with my “premill” brothers and sisters. AM and PM are ok ways to divide our 24 hour days, but those labels should never divide the Body of Christ. My grandma and I were treated with such brotherly love and hospitality by everyone at the meeting. I hope that others in “amill” congregations will reach out in fellowship with our “premill” brethren. Families all have differences, even the Lord’s family, but we are all united by blood, the blood of Christ! That bond is strong enough to endure differences. We are all on the same team.
That’s one thing I admire so much about Brother Boll. He didn’t make prophetic views a test of fellowship! I can’t help but think about how nice it would have been for that type of attitude to abound in the church! We wouldn’t be known as the church that thinks they are the only ones going to heaven. We’d be known as the church that wants EVERYBODY to go to heaven! He was a wise and Christ-like man and I am so glad God’s providence introduced his writings and the opportunity to meet my wonderful family in Kentucky! I’d especially like to thank Larry Miles, Alex and Ruth Wilson, Gary Butts and Robert and Joy Garrett for their friendship and hospitality. God bless you all!
Brad Banister is a pharmacist and worships at the Mangum, OK, Church of Christ and teaches the teens.