POWER POINT CLASS will be offered at the Buechel Church of Christ on  February 9, 2013  The class will be from 9-12.    We will go over how to setup the power point system (projector, etc.) and how to build a power point.  If you would like to attend please send an email to Bud Ridgeway at cridgeway@insightbb.com.  Need to enroll no later then Feb. 6th.  We will meet in the basement.  Coffee and donuts will be served.

KENTUCKIANA/INDIANA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP has been scheduled for the week of July 29 – August 1, 2013. Put that on your calendar for next year and start making plans to attend the fellowship.    The committee will soon be providing the program of speakers and topics.

HIGHLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH (Louisville, KY)   welcomes Martin & Susan Brooks.   Martin will be sharing the pulpit with Mike Sanders.  He will also teach the adult Bible School and Thursday evening Bible study on those weeks when he is preaching.  They will alternate, every other week except on fifth Sundays when Travis Norris will deliver the morning message.

CHURCH OF CHRIST WORLDWIDE – Annual Report for 2013 (submitted by David Harding and presented at the Annual Congregational Meeting of the Cramer & Hanover Church of Christ, Lexington, Kentucky 1/27/2013.

The Church of Christ Worldwide continues to strive to serve the Lord by collecting and distributing funds to various ministries around the world. Currently there are mission projects in 11 different countries around the world. David Harding continues as the director, Betsy, his wife, as the Administrative Assistant, and Stanna Page as Treasurer.

Even though the national economy remains stagnate, the Lord continued to bless our endeavors in 2012.  Our contributions have decreased slightly from $151,399.67 in 2011 to $148,283.09 in 2012.  There were several of our faithful contributors who have either gone to be with the Lord or are no longer able to give.   A monthly financial report is sent to contributors and to others upon request.

21st ANNUAL CHRISTIAN CRUSADE FOR CHRIST is scheduled for March  24th – 28th (Sunday – Thursday) at the Oak Grove Church of Christ (Louisiana).  See program attached. Many look forward to this yearly fellowship with brethren in Louisiana.

The MACKVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (KY) as a Minister vacancy due to the recent passing of their previous minister, Bro Charles Knecht.  If you have interest in this position or know of someone who could be interested, please contact our church representative, Sandy Carey.  He can be reached by email at Mackvillechurchofchrist@yahoo.com or by phone at 859.262.5146 (h), 859.481.2677 (c).

Ladies Inspiration Day 2013: The Ladies  Inspiration Day  (LID) will be  held  on Saturday, April 13, 2013 at the Sellersburg Church of Christ. More  information soon.