PRAYER/PRAISE BOOKLETS…were distributed last month at the annual Thanksgiving Service at Portland. Copies will be sent to churches outside the area. If you haven’t received copies in a few weeks, please contact me (Bennie Hill) at or or send request to the:
Cramer & Hanover Church of Christ, P.O. Box 54842, Lexington, KY 40555. The information provided in the church directory section was available at time of printing. Please inform me of any corrections, deletions, or additions you might run across.
ALICE ROBERTSON CROWDER passed away at her home in Johnson City, TN on November 14, 2012 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. She is survived by her husband Hall C. Crowder, former minister of Gallatin Church of Christ and Community Church of Christ among others; also four children, Hall W. Crowder of Louisville, KY; Crystal Anne Hardin of Yanji, China; Cynthia L. Brady of Johnson City, TN; and Karen L. Ashley of Honiara, Solomon Islands; 12 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Crowder taught at Portland Christian School, as well as several schools in the Gallatin, Tennessee public school system. She was an active partner in her husband’s ministry in many ways, from teaching classes in Sunday School and VBS to helping organize and run summer youth camps. She was a gifted musician, and taught many children and young people to sing praises to the Lord. She was laid to rest on November 17, in Gallatin, Tennessee, and the interment was followed by a memorial service at Gallatin Church of Christ. Her family would like to thank the many friends who have sent condolences. We know that she is now in the presence of her dear Savior and we rejoice in the certain hope that we will see her again in Glory.
Prayers would be most appreciated for Hall, who is still recovering from a serious injury to his left arm. He still has no movement in that arm, and there is a lot of swelling due to a blood clot above the elbow.
FIFTH SUNDAY SONG RALLY – Dec. 30, 2012 Portland Church of Christ-6:00 PM
The 3rd annual KENTUCKIANA WINTER YOUTH RALLY will be held December 15th at the Sellersburg Church of Christ. We will be building on the Fall Youth Retreat theme of “WHY”. All youth 7th grade and up are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend and lunch and snacks will be served. (Jeff Adams)
LeCompte Church of Christ, LeCompte, LA: Watch-Night Service–50 Years!–December 31, 2012–8:00 p.m. – after Midnight — Different Speakers–Dillard Fontenot (Minister)
KENTUCKIANA/INDIANA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP has been scheduled for the week of July 29 – August 1, 2013. Put that on your calendar for next year and start making plans to attend the fellowship. The committee will soon be providing the program of speakers and topics.
SELLERSBURG CHURCH OF CHRIST…welcomes their new minister David & Karen Johnson. They come from the Turkey Creek Church of Christ in Louisiana and are settling into their new home at 211 S. New Albany St., Sellersburg, Indiana 47172.