Woodland Bible Camp is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual WBC Spring Clean to be held Friday, April 27th through Sunday, April 29th. Join Jeff , Larry, and the gang to help get WBC ready for the 2012 camp season. All young people, 8th grade through 1st year of college are especially invited, though ALL help is appreciated. The young people will be challenging their churches for the funds necessary to feed everyone for the weekend. They also have planned many of the work projects. God has blessed us with wonderful youth and what a delight to see them stepping up and taking on leadership roles.

Camp opens at 6:00 Friday night. Saturday night there will be a large bonfire, s’mores, and campfire singing. Those staying until Sunday morning can choose between attending the camp church service or one of the Linton area supporting churches. All are welcome to come for the entire weekend or just a part of it. We do ask that you let us know you are coming so we can be properly prepared. If you plan on coming, please email Jeff Adams at jeffreywadams58@gmail.com or you can go to the Friends of Woodland Bible Camp site on facebook. We’ll need to know how many are coming and for how long. Oh yes, please be sure to wear old clothes and bring plenty of elbow grease!

Later Sunday afternoon will be the annual open house. Refreshments will be served and everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there!

-Jeff Adams lives in New Albany, IN and attends  at Cherry Street Church of Christ

-Larry Bryant lives in Tell City, IN and is an  Elder in the Tell City Church of Christ