We had rented Wonder Valley Camp for the week of December 26 – 31 for our family reunion. It started off with a real bang! The bang was me hitting the floor falling from an eight foot height !

It was the day after Christmas – Most of our family were here – some from Washington State, Minnesota, Michigan, North Carolina. Two of our daughters, Shirley and Sharon, were helping us load the car, Their husbands and children had already left for the camp. The last thing to load was a box of old GreatSongs which were stored in the loft over my small workshop. Joy and the two girls were in the car parked beside the workshop waiting for me.

THE BIG BANG: I climbed up onto the loft and was kneeling on the edge. Then I lowered my left foot down onto the step ladder – only the ladder was not where my foot thought it was. As I lost my balance I apparently grabbed at a box of Bibles which I had stored up there to take to Zimbabwe. But the law of gravity took over and I went crashing down and lay there half conscious. When I revived and struggled to get up my left leg would not cooperate. I weakly called out “Shirley.” They had heard the crash but thought I had just dropped something. Shirley heard me and came, thinking I needed her to carry something. She discovered me laying on the floor struggling to get up. “Dad!” she exclaimed and then gently pushed my shoulders down and made me lay still. Sharon then came in and helped pick up the Bibles that were scattered on top of and around me.

The box of song books were still up in the loft! The girls helped me to stand up and then they managed to get the box of songbooks down and into the car. My left leg was not working properly so Sharon drove and I sat in the back seat with Shirley and the box of GreatSongs. I soon discovered that I had pulled or torn the muscles the entire length of my left leg, ankle, calf, knee, thigh and hip. Thankfully no bones broken, but this was to incapacitate me for some weeks ahead.

Our week together was delightful even though I had to hobble around. One of our granddaughters, a Junior at Harding, said that when she told a school friend that she was going to a family reunion, the friend said, “Ugh, how awful,” to which she replied that on the contrary she was eagerly looking forward to it. Of our twenty-five grandchildren only one, a married granddaughter, could not come because her husband could not get off work.

I had to hobble around and sit in a soft chair watching the activities. We had a devotion after each meal which was inspiring. This year I not only had the older grandsons give a short devotion but specifically asked each of our granddaughters to tell the family of their experiences and what the Lord had done for them this past year. It was a big highlight for me and really warmed my 80 year old heart.


NEW YEARS DAY: Report from Zimbabwe was that attendance at the New years day gathering at Ruwa actually overflowed the building – and we have benches there to accommodate at least 600.

NEW GIRLS DORM under construction: The Harare area women set out to raise $3,000 towards its construction. They have so far raised $2,700 and have made that available the beginning of this year.

The foundations and floor slab have already been done. This amount should be enough to do most of the brickwork, – that is the labour and cement. The bricks were made last year. But the roof framing and the roof sheeting will require 6 to 7 times that amount.

RETURN TO ZIMBABWE: Lord willing. I must return to Zimbabwe the end of March for a six month tour.

I hope to do a lot teaching, printing of tracts in several languages and get the building work started for a BIBLE YOUTH CAMP IN BINGA. It is too far for their youth to come to our camp in Ruwa – usually takes two days of travel by bus and train to make it.

BUILDING FUND: Those of you who may be led of the Lord to contribute to these various building projects, please just designate such as “Building Fund” so that I can use these gifts wherever the need arises.

Robert Garrett

2703 Northwestern Pkwy

Louisville, KY 40212

(502) 290-2457



Robert & Joy Garrett live in Louisville, KY and Bro. Garrett goes  to Zimbabwe twice a year, usually for 3-6 months