The Energize for 2012/Winter Youth Rally was held December 17th at Ebenezer Church of Christ in Salvisa, Kentucky. The theme was leadership development and how they can bless their home churches. Nearly 50 gathered for the day’s activities. Ebenezer generously offered to host the day’s events and the church ladies prepared a wonderful meal.

The day opened with a wonderful time of worship and teaching. The youth much enjoyed eating cookies with no hands! They also showcased their improvisational and singing skills with renditions of Christmas carols and secular songs with new lyrics they had to write on the spot. Check out the Friends of Woodland Bible Camp on facebook for some entertaining videos.

Larry Bryant taught the older youth while Jeff Adams took charge of the younger group. The attendees were encouraged to develop their God-given leadership abilities. They were challenged to become servants in their leadership style. The greatest leader ever, Jesus, was the greatest leader ever by being the servant of all.

Each attendee was asked to bring non-perishable food items to the rally to help Ebenezer feed needy families . A previously unannounced collection was taken up from the youth to purchase hams for the food baskets. What a blessing to see these Christian youth gladly dig into their jeans pockets and put their change and dollar bills into the offering basket to help folks they will probably never meet. A total of 6 families were blessed by the day’s efforts.

These younger Christians mean business and are excited about their future and their place in the church. They were also challenged to take the main leadership role in designing the Spring Clean 2012 and next year’s Fall Youth Retreat. As they learn new leadership skills please respond to their vision and efforts. Remember, should the Lord tarry, they are the future leaders of the church. We would do well to emulate their enthusiastic efforts. From Larry and Jeff, good job guys – you all are great!

The next Woodland Bible Camp board meeting will be held January 14th in Linton, Indiana. Final camp dates will be set as will the directors for each event. Spring Clean 2012 will be April 27th-29th. This is a free event. All attendees are asked to bring work clothes and plenty of elbow grease as we help prepare WBC for the new camp season. Additional work days and the rest of the year’s events will be announced soon.

-Jeff Adams lives in New Albany, IN and attends  the  Cherry Street Church  of Christ

-Larry Bryant lives in Tell City, IN and is an  Elder at the Tell City Church  of Christ