Merry Christmas from Shizuoka, Japan!
We are so thankful to each of you for your faithful prayer and financial support during this past year. God has used you to be a blessing to us!
One of the biggest blessings is the land purchase that God so graciously orchestrated and made possible. As God showers us with such blessings, we realize how small our faith is at times. But we felt your prayers, and we, too, as Paul writes “… thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers” (1 Thessalonians 1:2). That is when the barriers of language and culture between us are removed, because we believe the body of Christ is one, and is united in prayer in this ministry. This has become such a huge encouragement to all of us in Shizuoka, and we are so thankful to God for you.
As for our family, God has protected our health, and we are all doing fine. As we anticip- ate 2012, both of our sons will be graduating in the spring. Kazuma will graduate from high school and Linn from junior high school. Both have very important entrance exam- inations coming up. Please pray for our sons – not only for their educational pursuits, but also that they would continue to grow strong in the Lord.
As you know, Tomoko has been employed by a Christian kindergarten for several years. She has been asked to take the Principalship this spring. However, in Japan, even a kindergarten principal will have to travel quite a bit, and this will mean she will have to be out of town often. Our primary call is our church, so we are at a crossroad. This is the only Christian kindergarten left in our city; so it is a very important and God-honoring job with the opportunity to influence many for the cause of Christ. Please pray with us that God will show His plan clearly as we seek the will of God in this matter.
I am grateful for the task that God has called me, to be an instrument to teach His Word, to nurture our flock, and to evangelize. God has given me renewed vision, energy, and excitement to promote His work in Shizuoka. “It is written: ‘As surely as I live says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.” (Rom. 14:11)
May God’s choicest blessings rest upon you during this season of the year! The angel’s words still ring true. He brought “good news of great joy that would be for all people…. A Savior has been born to you; He is CHRIST THE LORD.”
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus. Michiya, Tomoko, Kazuma and Linn Nakahara
Nakahara Mission P.O. Box 54842, Lexington, KY 40555