“And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all Scriptures the things concerning himself.” (Luke 24:27)

On the day Jesus was resurrected from the grave, two disciples were traveling down a road on their way home to Emmaus. As they walked, a stranger joined them on the journey. The three began to talk together about the recent news, and the two travelers expressed their discouragement to the stranger over what had just happened in Jerusalem regarding the death of Christ. They told the stranger they’d hoped Jesus was the one to redeem Israel. The stranger interrupted them and said, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (Luke 24:26). He then went on to interpret Old Testament Scriptures beginning with Moses and all the Prophets concerning the Christ. They were amazed at his teachings and eventually recognized the stranger as the resurrected Jesus.

I would have loved to have been on that road walking and talking with the Lord. Wouldn’t you? However, in a sense, we are there having everything explained to us. Today we have the blessing of God’s Word, which fully presents our redeemer Jesus Christ. Sometimes the road leads to unexpected places. The disciples walking along that ancient path expected to simply arrive at their home in Emmaus. But the road actually took them to a new level of faith in Jesus. What happened on the path made all the difference. You see, whenever we encounter Jesus along the way, the destination always changes. We want to allow the Lord to set the course and walk with us as we travel home. Where are the roads taking you? Is Jesus a stranger or do we recognize him as Lord?

It’s only when we walk with the Lord along the road of life that we get to where we really want to go. That’s the message we want our community to hear.

Paul Merideth lives in  Jeffersontown, KY  and preaches for the Watterson Trail Church of Christ