- When A Christian Fails - Alex Wilson
- Things Not Seen - Gordon Linscott
- The World's Objection To The Cross - R. H. Boll
- The Coming World Church - Bill McRae
- Spurgeon's Sermon - Anon.
- Blessed Poetry - Various Authors
- Questions Asked of Us. - Carl Kitzmiller
- Lessons from The Farm – Old Records - Bob Yarbrough
- Benefits of Living the Christian Life - Larry Miles
- News and Notes - Bennie Hill
- Walking By The Spirit (Is It Resting or Wrestling?) - Alex Wilson
- The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) - Joyce Broyles
- Less Christian Every Day - Ron Bartanen
- The Elijah Syndrome (I Kings 19:1-18) - Ray Naugle
- The Christian and Public Life - Bud Ridgeway
- A Workingman’s Bible - Darren Johnson
- The Walk of The Christian - Larry Miles
- Lessons from the Farm – The Basketball Goalpost - Bob Yarbrough
- News And Notes - Bennie Hill