• Special Announcement– Our God is Great! PORTLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL-Louisville, KY

From  Jodell Seay: Administrator:  “I want to share this with you so that we all may celebrate in God’s provision! It is with great gratitude to the Lord and incredible excitement I share this with you as we continue to prayerfully look forward to the next steps of preparation for His work to be accomplished at PCS.

Friends, We just returned from the closing transaction on the sale of the church building and parking lot on Taylorsville Road! We deposited the proceeds from the sale in our account with Republic Bank. Since the proceeds exceed the total we owe, Portland Christian School is essentially DEBT FREE by the abundant provision of our Great God!!

Further the building is to continue to be used for ministry by a young, vibrant congregation which will be celebrating their 2nd anniversary as a new church on Sunday.

What a blessing to them and us!!  Please pause and give thanks to the Lord Jesus.

Senior  Citizen’s Week (Woodland Bible Camp) Speaking on behalf of myself and Adele, we  thoroughly enjoyed last week’s change of pace as senior citizens at Woodland Bible Camp.    This was our first time since we’ve never felt old enough to attend.  But thanks to the “old timers” present, we were both made to feel right at home.    We got to experience and were reminded of life without TV, computers, and radio.  Cabins with no bathrooms, no mirrors, no heat, and simple bunk beds gave us a greater appreciation of our home.  However, the fellowship made up for the lack of amenities.  It was great to join in with others of like precious faith for seasons of singing, testimonies, praying, and lessons from God’s Word.  Our daily exercise was the walks to the bathhouse and raising our forks to feed our face.  We were especially blessed to have Bro. & Sis. Robert Garrett with us as well as Bro. Bob Morrow who are among the missionaries listed in our Prayer / Praise Booklet.  Our thanks to each devotion leader, chapel speaker, song leader, night speaker, cook,  Shiloh ladies, shuttle cart driver, and those who provided entertainment each night.

  • New Web Site: Larry Miles  has  started a  new  web  site called  “Words In Season.” It will be a  monthly “E-Zine.”  Please   take time  to pray for this  effort and  please  come and  visit the site and  let  him know your  comments.   He  also asks that you  check out  regularly  a  couple  more of his  sites: Larry’s Lines & Church of Christ Sermons Page.


October 2, 2011 Prophecy Revival “What in the World is Going On” Tell City, Church of Christ (Indiana) 1206 10th Street, Tell City, Indiana– Evangelist Gary Fisher of Tribe of Judah Ministry

4 Sessions:

  • 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. “Why should we preach the soon return of Jesus? Why bother?”
  • 11:45 a.m. -1:00 p.m.  Pitch in Meal
  • 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.  “What is happening in the Middle East, U.S., World, Israel?”
  • 3:30 p.m. – 3:45   Break
  • 3:45 p.m.- 4:45 p.m.   “What is happening in the Middle East, U.S., World, Israel?”  (continue)
  • 4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m.   Supper Break
  • 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.  Questions and Answer session with slide show about Israel.

REUNION AT WOODLAND (Reunion at Woodland Flyer) coming this fall, October 7, 8, and 9th. We literally have hundreds of people we need to get the word out to. We are praying that it will be one of the most life changing weekends ever spent at Woodland Bible Camp. We hope to have a little something for everyone, but the focus will be about strengthening our relationship with God and strengthening relationships within our own families. Come one, come all! In one sense, our “target” group is anyone who will not be attending Senior Citizens Week and those who will not be attending the JR/SR High Retreat the last weekend of September…….BUT OF COURSE EVERYONE IS INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. Let us know if you will help spread the word and pray. Please pray that God would touch people and draw their hearts back to Woodland, to their families, and most importantly……..HIMSELF. More details coming in the next few days! Brent Heeke

October 9-12, 2011 Good News Revival — Bohon Church of Christ (Bohon Road, Kentucky)

  • Sunday 10:00 & 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.            Dr. Douglas Davis (Danville, KY)
  • Monday 7:00 p.m.                                          Scott Reeder (Borden, Indiana)
  • Tuesday 7:00 p.m.                                          Ron Flora (Louisville, KY)
  • Wed. 7:00 p.m.                                               Bud Ridgeway (Louisville, KY)

October 10-14, 2011 – – Questionaire Revival — LaGrange Church of Christ (LaGrange, KY)

  • Mon.   7:00 p.m.        “Where Art Thou?”                            Robert Garrett
  • Tue.      7:00 p.m.        “Whom Shall I Send?”                     Jim Gillaspie
  • Wed.    7:00 p.m.        “Who Do Men Say that I am?”        Joe Stone
  • Thur.   7:00 p.m.        “Who Do You Say that I am?”         Bud Ridgeway
  • Fri.      7:00 p.m.        “What Must I do to be saved?”        Ray Naugle

Cherry Street Church of Christ, 302 Cherry Street, New Albany, IN

  • Homecoming Service, Sunday, October 9, 2011. The speaker will be Patrick Longest, son of  one of our elders, David Longest. Bible Classes for all ages @ 9:30 a.m.; worship @ 10:30 a.m. There will be a  potluck Dinner after the  Worship Service.  Note: Please remember that  the  Sherman Minton Bridge (I-64) is closed.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:   This year’s annual Thanksgiving Day Service will be  held at

East Campus – Portland Christian Schools
8509 Westport Road
Louisville, KY 40242

  • PCS WHITE ELEPHANT SALE…(fund raiser) is scheduled for Saturday, November 12, 2011 and held at 2500 Portland Ave., Louisville, Kentucky.   Make plans to spend the day enjoying the food, fun, fellowship of former classmates and meeting new friends.   All proceeds, especially from the auction, go to the school.  It’s still true – “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”   Contact the school at (502)   778-6114 for additional information.

Sellersburg Church Of Christ, Sellersburg, IN — The Sellersburg Church of Christ is currently looking for a minister to come work with us to spread the gospel. We are an a cappella group that holds to the teachings of the New Testament church as an example to follow. We study the whole Bible and follow the pre-millennial view on end time theology. This is a congregation of 125 active members, located in a small Southern Indiana community approximately 10 miles from Louisville, Kentucky. We are looking for an energetic person who can work with young and old alike. He must be strong in the faith and beliefs of the Church of Christ and be well grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Our website is http://sellersburgchurchofchrist.org.

If you are interested in this position please contact Kenneth Ray Pettit at telephone 812-282-1658, by email at trainman1@insightbb.com or by mail at 18 Fay Avenue, Jeffersonville, In 47130.

  • Looking For Youth Minister: The Sellersburg Church of Christ is currently looking for a part time youth minister to help organize the youth program. We are looking for an energetic person who can work with children, teenagers and young adults. He must be strong in the faith and beliefs of the Church of Christ and be well grounded in the teachings of the Bible. We would prefer a young married couple who can relate well with others. We are an a cappella group that holds to the teaching of the whole Bible and follow the pre-millennial view on end time theology. This is a congregation of 125 active members, located in a small Southern Indiana community approximately 10 miles from Louisville Kentucky. If you are interested in this position please contact Kenneth Ray Pettit at telephone 812-282-1658, by email at trainman1@insightbb.com or by mail at 18 Fay Avenue, Jeffersonville, In 47130.

Web Sites of Interest: Please  pray for  and  visit these  web sites: