Looking For Writers for Word and Work – Coming in the September edition of the Word and Work website are various art­icles by individuals who accepted our invitation to write for the website. We look for­ward to seeing what the Lord has placed on their hearts to share with us. If you would be willing to write an article to be included in a future monthly edition, please email Sandra Naugle Articles will be published at the discretion of the ed­itors and in a month of their choice. — The Editors

KENTUCKY/INDIANA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP is now history. It was an encouraging week of many thought-provoking messages from the Word of God. What a blessing to renew old acquaintances and make new friends. A special thanks to the Portland Ave. Church of Christ and the Sellersburg Church of Christ for serving again as hosts of the meeting, to the planning committee for the long hours and hard work in planning the program and to the ladies of several churches who provided the delicious meals during the week. Those interested in obtaining a copy of the address list can e-mail Sandra Naugle  at snaugle@insightbb.com

Kentuckiana Bible College introduces it’s new web site Check it out for vital information of upcoming classes & news!

Portland Christian School, Louisville, KY. The Portland Christian School Eastside Campus will open Fall of 2011. The first day of school is August 25th . The Eastside Campus will offer the PCS “Little School” for 2 ½ to 5 ½ year olds and Kindergarten to 8th grade.

Louisville Area Church Leaders. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 10,  2011, beginning at 11:30 AM, at the Cherry Street Church of Christ, 302 Cherry Street, New Albany. The meeting is in the basement; please enter from the rear parking lot. Don’t forget to bring a sack lunch and a drink! These meetings are always on the second Wednesday of the month, unless you are specially notified of a change. Contact David Longest,Cherry Street Church of Christ Elder for information.

Sellersburg Church Of Christ, Sellersburg, IN — The Sellersburg Church of Christ is currently looking for a minister to come work with us to spread the gospel. We are an a cappella group that holds to the teachings of the New Testament church as an example to follow. We study the whole Bible and follow the pre-millennial view on end time theology. This is a congregation of 125 active members, located in a small Southern Indiana community approximately 10 miles from Louisville, Kentucky. We are looking for an energetic person who can work with young and old alike. He must be strong in the faith and beliefs of the Church of Christ and be well grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Our website is http://sellersburgchurchofchrist.org.

If you are interested in this position please contact Kenneth Ray Pettit at telephone 812-282-1658, by email at trainman1@insightbb.com or by mail at 18 Fay Avenue, Jeffersonville, In 47130.

  • Looking For Youth Minister: The Sellersburg Church of Christ is currently looking for a part time youth minister to help organize the youth program. We are looking for an energetic person who can work with children, teenagers and young adults. He must be strong in the faith and beliefs of the Church of Christ and be well grounded in the teachings of the Bible. We would prefer a young married couple who can relate well with others. We are an a cappella group that holds to the teaching of the whole Bible and follow the pre-millennial view on end time theology. This is a congregation of 125 active members, located in a small Southern Indiana community approximately 10 miles from Louisville Kentucky. If you are interested in this position please contact Kenneth Ray Pettit at telephone 812-282-1658, by email at trainman1@insightbb.com or by mail at 18 Fay Avenue, Jeffersonville, In 47130.

Woodland Bible Camp News: SENIOR CITIZEN’S WEEK is fast approaching. It is September 12-16 and you are encouraged to take advantage of this great opportunity for Christian fellowship. This year’s theme will be: “Lift Up Your Heads” and promises to be an uplifting time in the study of God’s Word. Take time now to send in your registration. Click on the   following  link for a schedule (PDF) – 2011 Senior Citizens Week For information, contact J R Satterfield or call at 812) 949-1959. See you at Woodland Bible Camp on Monday September 12th.

REUNION AT WOODLAND coming this fall, October 7, 8, and 9th. We literally have hundreds of people we need to get the word out to. We are praying that it will be one of the most life changing weekends ever spent at Woodland Bible Camp. We hope to have a little something for everyone, but the focus will be about strengthening our relationship with God and strengthening relationships within our own families. Come one, come all!  In one sense, our “target” group is anyone who will not be attending Senior Citizens Week and those who will not be attending the JR/SR High Retreat the last weekend of September…….BUT OF COURSE EVERYONE IS INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.  Let us know if you will help spread the word and pray.  Please pray that God would touch people and draw their hearts back to Woodland, to their families, and most importantly……..HIMSELF.  More details coming in the next few days! Brent Heeke

Parksville Christian Church , Parksville, KY (Frank Preston, Minister) A lot of exciting things are going on at the Parksville Christian Church. Our new youth director (Nathan Gooch) is really working out well with our young people. He is really on fire for the Lord. They are constantly involved in different church projects. They are currently getting school supplies together to pass out to area children. But most importantly they are learning about serving our Lord. Please pray that the Lord will continue to grow our youth group. We have scheduled our fall revival for Sept. 18-21 with Bro. Ray Naugle. We will have homecoming on Sunday and a special service for the anniversary of our “Builders Class” at the Park in Danville on Tuesday night. They are celebrating 65 years of serving our Lord. We still have three charter members with us. Rachel Dunsmore, Dora Abbott and Christine Tucker. The services will start at 7 pm each evening. On Tuesday night we will have a picnic supper before Bro. Rays message at the park. Please come and join us for this special evening.

The Ladies Annual Retreat will be held this year at Kavanaugh Life center on Sept. 23rd & 24th. This years’s theme is “Daughters of the King: God Using Ordinary Women.” We have speakers you may have heard before and perhaps those you have not. It is always a wonderful time of fellowship, and encouragement and inspiration form the speakers.

For additional information contact Sandra Naugle at 812-246-2918 or 502-494-4185 or by email: snaugle@insightbb.com Cost is $30 for adults and $20 for teens if received by August 22nd. We will be looking for you on the 23rd of September.  2011 Ladies Retreat Flyer (PDF)

Robert Henry Boll (1875-1956) now has a Facebook Page Click here for info

If you decide to “Like” the site (by clicking “Like” at the top of the site), you will contribute to its utility for diverse people who study Boll’s biography. The site is coordinated by Dr Hans Rollmann, a noted historian of religion, based at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Are you interested in Archaeology: A tomb believed to be that of Philip the Apostle was unearthed during excavations in the ancient Turkish city of Hierapolis. Italian professor Francesco D’Andria said archeologists found the tomb of the biblical figure – one of the 12 original disciples of Jesus – while working on the ruins of a newly-unearthed church. Philip, recognized as one of Christianity’s martyrs, is thought to have died in Hierapolis, in the southwest city around 80 A.D. It is believed he was crucified upside down or beheaded. (Reported by Fox News, July 27, 2011) Amazing that ever so often discoveries like this are made to validate Scripture. Even if discoveries aren’t made would it still make a difference in regards to your faith?


(excerpt from Prayer/Praise Booklet – 2010)


  • Motoyuki & Yoriko Nomura, Bethany Home, 1381 Koarama, Nagasaka-Cho, Hokuto-Shi, Yamanashi-Ken 408-0031 Japan Phone:      +81-551-32-5579

http://www.bethanyhome.net/ motofish@eps4.comlink.ne.jp

Moto and Yoriko Nomura continue to serve the Lord in the mountain range of

Japan about one hundred miles from Tokyo. Their home remains open on Sundays to any who will worship with them. Moto’s mother whose financial support helped establish and keep him in the ministry died earlier this year.

Items for Prayer

  1. Additional funds be raised up in loss of his mother’s financial support.
  2. Moto’s health – especially his liver condition due to both cirrhosis and hepatitis.
  3. The publication of his book in Korea that it will contribute to the churches in Japan.
  4. The photo books and exhibitions that Moto donated to Seoul, Korea that they will continue to be used in removing the hatred betwen Korea and Japan and in reconciling the two countries.

Items of Praise

  1. Moto will be part of a Korean memorial service in February. Thankful that God uses him as a small servant of His gospel of reconciliation as well as hope in His glorious Home up above.
  2. His opportunity in May to bear witness to main liner churches of Christ as he conducts a class at Pepperdine on how our pre-mil fellowships has produced a national preacher for his church in Japan.
  3. The class at Fuller Theologiacal Seminary explaining the meaning of the Moto Nomura’s collection donated to the newly established Heritage Centen on the campus.
  4. Senior preachers, such as Bro. Obata, Bro. Amano and Bro. Shimizu who are semi direct products of Bro. E.A. Rhodes and O.D. Bixler.