Bennie Hill  received the  following  from  Emie (Galanis) Paschou regarding her mother.   Please lift  her up in prayer before the Throne of Grace.

“Unexpectedly my mother started having acute pains in her left leg right before Christmas day. When we xrayed it we discovered that somehow it had been fractured therefore on the 29th of December she underwent surgery. The surgery in her leg was successful but her overal condition went down the hill very fast due to the total sedation and hasn’t leveled yet.

My mother can not walk any more at all but at least she is not in pain the unfortunate thing is that she lives in constant hallusinations. I have no idea if this is reversible I feel so sorry because the quality of her life right now is horrible.

As for the correspondence letters of my father, 20,000 advertising leaflets have been printed and given out and the first responces are starting to come in praise the Lord.

My family and I are doing fine as well as my two little grandkids.”