Should Christians be looking for the return of the Lord Jesus? Can we know when He will return for His Church? The answer to the first question is a resounding “yes.” On the second question posed, the Bile says that we cannot know the time He will return.
There have always been those in the history of the Church who have tried to pinpoint the time of the Lord’s return. Those who have done this have brought reproach and ridicule upon the Lord’s Church by their actions. There is one who has set a date of May 11, 2011. What is sad is that this same individual made a similar prediction a few years ago.
In light of the fact that we cannot know the timing, what should our attitude be in regards to the fact that He is coming again as He promised? The Bible is full of many promises of the return of Jesus for His own.
We have the testimony of the Lord Jesus Himself in John 14:1-4. In telling the Disciples of His upcoming death He gave them the promise that He would come back for them. At the Ascension we have the testimony of the holy angels. In Acts 1:11 they give the Eleven this great and comforting words: “why do you gaze up into the sky? This SAME Jesus who you see go up I to heaven will return in like manner.” This passage, along with the one in John and others in the New Testament tell us that Jesus Himself will keep His Word and come back personally for us.
All throughout the Epistles we have the teachings that Jesus is coming again. In 1 Thessalonians 1:10 the Christians at Thessalonica and we today are told to “wait for His Son from Heaven.” In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul tells us that ‘the Lord HIMSELF” will come back for us! We have the same admonition in Titus 2:13 to. Be looking for the return of the Blessed Hope.
But while we are admonished to be a people who are always on the alert and looking for His coming, we must also be a people who are active in His service. We must be waiting and watching every day but also we must be a people who, because we are saved, are working for the Lord in His Kingdom. We must be thankful to have been called out of kingdom of darkness into the marvelous light of the Gospel.
Since we are now in the light of the Gospel we must be seeking to help the lost find their way into the light of the Gospel. We must also be found seeking to strengthen the saved.
Keep looking up! Jesus may come today! This attitude must translate into greater service. It must motivate us to love the lost more and concentrate our labors in that behalf.
-Larry Miles is a Christian writer who resides in Louisville, KY and is a member of the Cherry St. Church of Christ