- This month’s Editorial — 11 words only - Alex Wilson
- FIGHT the GOOD FIGHT - J. C. Ryle
- That Bitter Brother of Jesus - Alex Wilson
- When God is the Operator - Sonny Childs
- What Makes Life Worth Living? - Leroy Garrett
- Send out the Rescue Team! - Various
- Which Interpretations of Scripture are Correct? - Edward Fudge
- SINS AND SINNERS - Edward Fudge
- Some Selections from The Sower - Ron Bartanen
- Woodland Wisdom # 1 - Sonny Childs
- A Glorious Church - Ron Bartanen
- Lessons From the Farm – Homecoming Day - Bob Yarbrough
- President James A. Garfield’s “Rules for Living” - James A. Garfield
- Woodland Bible Camp Report - Jeff Adams
- Give Your ALL to the Lord! - Larry Miles
- July 2010 News and Notes - Bennie Hill
- The Responsibility to GROW - John Stott
- Spiritual Maturity - Alex V. Wilson
- Mature Discipleship - R. Kenneth Strachan
- Growth - Barbara Cornet Ryberg
- Discerning Healthy Teaching - Edward Fudge
- Obedience of Faith - Leroy Garrett
- Two Legs or a Piece of an Ear - John P. DiMarzio
- R. H. Boll as a Writer and Editor - Alex V. Wilson
- The Importance of Missions - Larry Miles
- Lessons from The Farm – Hay - Bob Yarbrough
- August 2010 News and Notes - Bennie Hill