PRAYER / PRAISE BOOKLETS…Over 200 booklets were distributed at last week’s Thanksgiving service at Atherton High School. We appreciate those who assisted in handing these out getting them distributed to numerous churches. URGENT! Stop reading now! We somehow printed last year’s booklet! I apologize for the inconvenience and in a few weeks we will be sending the corrected version out to our supporting churches. E-mail me at and let us know how many you need. I will use the list of those taking several copies and send the same amount.
(CHANGE)YOUTH MINISTRY UPDATE: As a follow-up to the WBC Fall Youth Retreat, there will be a youth rally December 18th at the Cherry Street Church of Christ. The event starts at 10:00 am and ends at 4:00. The rally is free. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Music/photo cds from the Fall Youth Retreat will be distributed. Even though it is a continuation of the Fall Youth Retreat, those who couldn’t attend it are welcome to come to ENERGIZE FOR 2011. Come for the fun. Come for the fellowship. Come prepared to be challenged! Please email Jeff Adams at to register.
Central Kentucky Churches of Christ enjoyed a day of fellowship with Bro. Orell Overman hosted by the Ebenezer Church of Christ, Sunday November 21st. Bro. Overman, who is 93 years old, preached at both morning and evening services. A basket dinner provided food for all after the morning services as well as before the evening service. What a blessing it was to each who were able to hear this man of God. And how convicting were his words spoken in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was also a blessing to be with Orell’s son Joe and enjoy his message in song.
CHANGE! Ladies Inspiration Day—March 26, 2011 — Cramer & Hanover Church of Christ –Lexington, Kentucky. “Our Role as Christian Women”
Kentucky/Indiana Christian Fellowship Week– July 25-28, 2011
Oak Grove Church of Christ, Independence, LA (Dale Ziebarth) -March 28-31, 2010,- Speakers will include: Frank Preston, Danny Broussard, Mike Abbott, Sonny Childs, Harry Coultas, Joe Stone, Robert Johnson, Ray Naugle, Robert Gill, and your’s truly Bennie Hill. Program will be in another issue nearer to the date
Tell City Church of Christ — 1206 10th Street, Tell City, IN 47586 (812) 547-6778 –Web Site: Minister Opening Opportunity — Tell City church of Christ has an open opportunity for a minister of the gospel to come work with us. We are located in southern Indiana, and situated in a community of some 9,000 residents. Our congregation is an a cappella group, that holds to the New Testament church as the example we strive to follow. Our congregation has a membership of about 65 members and is served by three elders and three deacons. We share in a brotherhood of sister congregations spread throughout Indiana, Kentucky ending in Louisiana. This opportunity is unique in that the successful candidate will be able to experience all aspects of the ministry – preaching, teaching, visitation, and pastoral care and be able to grow talents in those areas.
Our congregation supports: local and foreign missions, participates in camp work, benevolent works (both local and distant), VBS, annual meetings and revivals
Our congregation studies and follows the whole Bible, and primarily follows the pre-millennial view on end times theology. This position has potential to be Full or Part time, even with a possibility of a present “student” being considered for an internship, or as a co-op.
Fringe benefits to be discussed with prospective candidates as appropriate.
- Michael Elaman – Elder – 812-547-7261 Email –
- Frank Heeke – Elder – 812-547-6191 – Email –
- Larry Bryant – Elder 812-836-2533 – Email –
SPECIAL REPORT FROM PRAYER/PRAISE BOOKLET – We will attempt to highlight one entry in our prayer/praise booklet each month for the benefit of those accessing the internet but not having a hard copy of the booklet.
This Booklet of Prayer/Praise (2010) is being DEDICATED to FAITHFUL SUPPORTERS Of MISSIONS
You may or may not know it, but the words mission, missions, or missionary are not found in the Bible. Though they are not Bible words, they sure have become a part of the Christian vocabulary. Though the word missions is not found in the Bible, one thing is for certain: it sure is illustrated and commanded in Scriptures:
“…the Lord is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
The last command given by Jesus Christ is found in Mark 16:15 “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Jesus had a world vision and for us to be a New Testament Church, we to need to re-capture the vision. It consists of 3 stages:
- We Must Visualize! (John 4:35) “lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are already white unto harvest.”
- We Must Agonize! (Matthew 9:37) “…the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, PRAY the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
- We Must Evangelize! (Psalms 126:5,6) “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with Him.”
We praise the Lord for you who continue to be Faithful Supporters of Missions! Your work does not go unnoticed by the Lord as He encourages each of us to