A Short but Important Reprint from Over 50 Years Ago

One morning at the recent [1956!] Kentucky Bible Conference at Winchester, KY, the leader requested that those present mention some neglected prayers. Their list was written on the board. Most of our prayer lists are limited to the sick and shut-in, missionaries, and the Children’s Home, and a few emergencies. But these consecrated Christians came up with a list of 16 things which they feel that we neglect in our prayers. Our prayer-life is more impoverished than some of us have thought. Here is their list in the order in which it came from their lips.

1. For enemies. 2. For God’s Will. 3. For the Holy Spirit to fill us. 4. For wisdom. 5. For chastening. 6. For one another. 7. For men in high places. 8. For laborers in God’s harvest. 9. For boldness to live for Christ and to speak the Word. 10. For Israel. 11. “For us, that the Word of the Lord may run and be glorified.” 12. For the lost. 13. That we may escape the great tribulation. 14. Open doors. 15. For the Coming of Christ. 16. That we might be one, so that the world may believe in our Christ.
Now let us each enrich our prayers!

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[Editor’s note in 2010: Teachers and/or preachers might find it very stimulating to read the first paragraph above to your class or congregation. Then, before reading the 16 items in the second paragraph, ask your hearers to mention their list of neglected prayers. It would be even more helpful to distribute blank papers to them ahead of time, so they can write their suggestions and those of others too.]