LADIES INSPIRATION DAY for 2010 will be April 10th and hosted by the Kentucky Avenue Church of Christ – 4136 Hickman Ave. Louisville, KY 40213. (502) 456-5603
TEN COMMANDMENTS GAINS ANOTHER VICTORY. The head of Liberty Counsel, a firm that litigates on civil and religious rights issues, says a decision from the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals has extended a winning streak for the Ten Commandments that dates back to 2005. The organization successfully argued on behalf of the legality of a display in a public building in Kentucky that included the Ten Commandments among other historical references. - WorldNetDaily
TIM TEBOW…The Florida Gators quarterback will be starring in a Focus on the Family-sponsored commercial with his mother – a commercial that will promote family values – commercials scheduled to air during the Super Bowl
Tebow was born in the Philippines to parents serving as Christian missionaries. Tim’s mother became seriously ill with amoebic dysentery while she was pregnant with him. The drugs used to treat the illness also caused the placenta to detach from her uterus, and doctors recommended an abortion to save Mrs. Tebow’s life. She insisted on carrying the baby to term, allowing Tim, her fifth child, to be born. The 22-year-old football player said, “That’s the reason I’m here, because my mom is a very courageous woman.” Liberal groups will try to stop the advertisement. PTL for Christian athletes willing to make a public stand.
Bohon Church of Christ (KY)…has scheduled a power-point presentation of the Church of Christ Worldwide for Sunday evening February 28th. Anyone in the area can join them for a 6:30 p.m. service. Bro. Bennie Hill will be making the presentation.
Kentucky/Indiana Christian Fellowship is being planned for July 26-29, 2010. This year’s theme is: “The Grace of God” Start making plans to attend this year’s fellowship with day sessions at the Portland Ave. Church of Christ, Louisville, Indiana and night sessions at the Sellersburg Church of Christ, Sellersburg, Indiana.
Louisville Area Church Leaders are invited the second Wednesday of each month to the Cherry St. Church of Christ for a time of fellowship, devotion, prayer, reports, and lunch. For questions – directions – and agenda, contact:
David Longest at (812) 923-1456 or
Why Pray? (Wycliffe Bible Translators)
1 God commands us to Pray. Jeremiah 29:12,13)
2 God reveals Himself to us through prayer. (Psalms 143:10)
3 God invites us to bring our burdens and needs to Him in prayer. (Matthew 11:28)
4 God responds to the prayers of His people. (James 5:16b)
5 God imparts wisdom and understanding through prayer. (James 1:5)
6 God exercises His authority and ability to do the impossible through the prayers of His people. (Matthew 21:22)
7 God extends His power to us through prayer so that we may resist temptation. (Matthew 26:41)
NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER: For years, it’s been a staple of the White House calendar. On the first Thursday of May, dedicated as the National Day of Prayer, President George W. Bush hosted an ecumenical service in the East Room, a big public endorsement of evangelical Christians. (This event is different from the National Prayer Breakfast, held outside the White House gates every year on the first Thursday of February.) President Obama opted not to have a service in the White House this year.
“At this time in our country’s history, we would hope our president would recognize more fully the importance of prayer,” Shirley Dobson said in a statement.
But Obama has shown an unusual sensitivity toward atheists, the first president to mention non-believers in an inaugural address when he said, “For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers.”
An urgent appeal from 1 Timothy 2:1,2 “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”
Let’s let the world know that we are a praying people!!!
School of Biblical Studies (SBS) will not have a March lecture this year. Over the past three years it has been poorly attended. The cost and the attendance has forced us to not have one this year.
SBS has started classes for this spring. We have our first Youth Ministry class. We have three young men enrolled right now. If you have a need for one of the young men to come for a Sunday or Wednesday night let me know. They are eager yet with no experience. Contact:
Bud Ridgeway
121 Arbor Place
Fisherville, KY 40023
(502) 477-8255
Sellersburg Church of Christ, Sellersburg, IN Bro. Dale Offutt is retiring after 30+ years as the preacher. We have hired Bro. Brent Heeke to be our new minister. He is originally from the Tell City (IN) congregation, where his father, Frank, is an elder. He has been teaching in a Christian School near Houston, TX. He and his wife have five children with one due in February.
18th Annual Christian Crusade for Christ…has been planned for March 22-25, 2010 and will be at the Oak Grove Church of Christ in Louisiana. Theme: “Heaven’s Door Knocking.” Click here for more details.