Ye Editor returned from Texas early in June, after an enjoyable and profitable trip. He left Louisville, May 6, for Cordell, Okla., where he preached the commencement sermon at the Cordell Christian College, and met a number of true friends, brethren, and sisters in the Lord. That is a fine school. I found the good old “Bible School” atmosphere there, and the influence of the life and spirit of that noble man of God, J. N. Armstrong, and his faithful collaborators was very manifest.
Thence I went to Dallas, Texas, stopping off at Cleburne, Texas at the home of Brother F. L. Young: would that space permitted to write in full my impression and estimate of that home, in which thirteen children have grown up to be honorable and faithful, God-fearing men and women—but what more could be said to the credit of that father and that mother? There also I met good friends. Brother G. Dallas Smith, now located at Cleburne, was holding a meeting at Fort Worth, where next day I met him, and also visited the “Tabernacle” of the church of Christ, at the Camp, where Brother J. C. Lawson is doing a good work.
The meeting at Dallas, with the “Peak and Main” congregation, lasted over three Sundays. It was a success of God and for God all the way through, and I am glad that, with Brother J. E. Blansett who preaches the Word there regularly, and the many good brethren and sisters of that earnest little church, I was permitted to be instrumental in so good a work. Some twelve to fourteen were baptized, and a number restored. Many preaching brethren attended, and I met many old friends, and found some new ones.
From Dallas, I went by way of Pilot Point (where I stopped off to visit Sister Emberson, a beloved sister full of years, and full of faith and of wisdom and of the Spirit) on to Sherman. There I was met by brethren and sisters of the Celtic congregation—a church some distance south-east of Sherman, which years ago was established through my instrumentality. For them I preached four times, and there were two confessions. For the little church at Celtic, I have always had an especial and most extraordinary love; and I believe I am loved by them in like measure. I also preached one night at Sherman, where Brother L. S. White labors earnestly and efficiently to the building up of God’s church.
-R H Boll, July 1918 WW