Words:  Knowles Shaw 1834-1878

Music:   George A. Minor 1845-1904

         “He who goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Psalm 126:6

         Knowles Shaw was born to Scottish parents in Butler County, Ohio, but grew up in Rush County, Indiana.  At age 13 when his father was dying, Knowles was called to the bedside for his father to make two requests: (1) Be good to your mother, (2) Prepare to meet your God. The father also left Knowles one last gift. It was a violin.  His stepfather taught him to play that violin and that provided a way to make a living. Knowles entertained at many social events and drinking parties. One night he walked out of an event where people were drunk. He remembered the words of his father about being prepared to meet God.

         This was a major turning point for him. He began attending church and was baptized into Christ at age 18.  About four years later, Shaw was asked to give a devotional talk at the worship. From that time, he felt called to preach.

         He held many revivals. He was a great musician. There would be lots of singing before the hour-long sermon. If people got tired of listening, he would sometimes stand at the bench and sing a solo. His nickname was “The Singing Evangelist.”

         Shaw died in a train wreck near McKinney, Texas. Other hymns by Shaw are: “Tarry With me,” “I Am the Vine,” and “We Saw Thee Not.”


Prayer Focus: The harvest of souls.

-From A Hymn A Day by Graham McKay.

-Graham McKay lives in Spring Hill, TN