Schedule for the Kentucky/Indiana Churches Fifth Sunday Singings:

June 30, 2024   LaGrange CofC at 6:30 pm

September 29, 2024  Portland Ave. CofC at 6:30 pm

December 29, 2024  Kentucky Avenue CofC at 6:30 pm

       Ladies Inspiration Day 2024 Report

Sent by Adele Hill

            This year’s Ladies Inspiration Day is now history.  It was held at the Cramer and Hanover Church of Christ in Lexington, Kentucky Saturday, April 13. About 70 ladies were in attendance.  The theme of the day was “More in ’24–Experiencing More of the Fullness of Christ in Me.”   The theme verses were Colossians 9,10a, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.”  Each of the four speakers took a consecutive chapter of Colossians on which to base their talk.  Adele Hill used chapter 1:25-27 for her talk, “More of the Word to Reveal the Fullness of Christ in Me;” Alicia Rowe used Colossians 2:6-7 for her topic, “More Faith from the Fullness of Christ in Me;”  Carolyn Garrett used Colossians 3:12-17 for her topic “More Love from the Fullness of Christ in Me;” and Monica Ware used Colossians 4:2-3 for her topic “More Prayer from the Fullness of Christ in Me.”

            Each of the morning speakers ended her talk by calling up a young lady to give her personal testimony of how Christ in her completely changed her life.  In the morning The Voices of Praise from Bohon Church of Christ gave several specials in song, and in the afternoon Shelia Tapp and Vickie Schuler blessed us in song.  We were also blessed as Joan Marsh led our congregational singing as well as emceeing for us.  The fourth talk in the afternoon was followed by small prayer groups as prayer requests were shared and questions were considered such as “What is hindering you most in your desire for a life of fullness in Christ?” Despite some last minute cancellations,  God cleared the clouds and gave us a day full of both sunshine and Sonshine.   What a beautiful time in the Lord was had by all!  To God be the Glory!!  This year’s LID was sponsored by the Central KY Churches of Christ.  Next year it will be sponsored by the Southern Indiana Churches of Christ. NOTE: THERE ARE TWO ARTICLES IN THIS MONTH’S W&W PROVIDED BY LID SPEAKERS.


. In September of 2023, it was held at Silver Heights Camp in New Albany, IN.  We had over 45 that attended here for the first time at this location.  As previously reported, the Retreat will be held August 16-17, 2024 at Silver Heights.  The Committee is in the process of putting together a program and we have chosen the theme:  ‘Into the Heart of Jesus’.  The subject of each of the four verses of this hymn will be addressed by one of the 4 speakers: Why He Should Love Me, Seeking His Way, Grace for my Weakness, and Joy and Peace. The speakers will be announced as soon as they all have committed.  We are sorry for the date change but look forward to a good group of ladies again.  We will soon be sending out information.

       Dan and Meg Price serve as missionaries to the Druse in Israel.  They are not far from areas that are experiencing incoming rockets from the foes of Israel. Thankful that the ‘Iron Dome’ stops most of the rockets. Please keep them in your prayers. Meg has been going north to help with a Christian Ministry that feeds 600 to 1200 or more Israeli soldiers every day. This in a town that has been severely damaged by incoming artillery.

  Woodland Bible Camp will soon be in operation. There will be a 70th Year Celebration on July 27th (Music Week Saturday) at the Camp.  Website is:

       Bro. Robert Garrett was recently in Zimbabwe.  Please keep him in your prayers as he serves the Lord in that work.  We look forward to a report from him on this trip.

        Goin’ Fishing Ministries Donations should now be sent to P O Box 2063 Denham Springs, LA 70726.      

       Please continue to pray for the Christians in Ukraine.  Those that we know have so far been safe, though many of them lost their homes and had to relocate. Those remaining continue to hold church services where possible and spread the Word of God and help others with food and supplies as they are able.  Missile attacks continue to cause widespread damage to the electrical grid as well as damaging buildings and killing citizens.  For many, no electricity means no heat.  This is a very serious problem as the cold weather months have arrived.      Please pray for an ending of this terrible war.  

     NOTE: Bro. Mike Abbott and Weldon Blaine Hebert recently made a mission trip to Ukraine.  Working with Ukraine ministers it was decided the area where they would be was safe enough for this trip. They were holding a Minister Bible Retreat while there.  We look forward to a report on the trip.

    Keep in prayer the situation in Israel.  This is God’s chosen land for his Chosen People.

Be in prayer for those in the USA that are making it dangerous for the Jews in this country.   There were more than 220,000 pro-Israel Americans that gathered in Washington, DC, recently in support of Israel.    Also be in prayer that the terrible upheavals of anti-Israel – pro Palestine, and even pro-Hamas students on college campuses in this country will soon be a thing of the past.             

         Southeastern Christian Education Corporation was established after Southeastern Christian College in Winchester, KY, closed, in order to use the funds from the sale of the property to the city. The funds are used for grants to eligible students to help cover the cost of a Christian college education.  Donations are accepted and should be sent to SCEC, 476 Sparrow Lane Harrodsburg, KY 40330



Compiled by Sandra Naugle, Co-Editor of Work & Work.

We do repeat items from past months in the News & Notes if they are still active.

Any news or announcements pertinent to this News & Notes  are  welcome.  Inclusion is at the discretion of the editors. Please send to or call or text to 502-494-4185 or mail to 545 Linnwood Ave.  Sellersburg, IN 47172.