From New Orleans: “The local work is doing fine. Dr. J. S. Ward spoke at the morning service on Jan. 20 and 27. His messages were very helpful. A splendid young woman, formerly a Catholic, was baptized Jan. 20, and the membership has been strengthened recently by the moving in of three new members. The largest audience last Sunday we have had for many weeks. We ask for the prayers of brethren everywhere.”—Willis H. Allen.
“Please change my address from 412 Park View to 4302 Trellace Court, Dallas, Tex.”—J. E. Blansett.
We have been able, by collecting some back numbers from our friends, to bind ten additional copies of the 1923 Word and Work; three of 1922 and two of 1921. We can also supply one complete series from 1916 to 1923, inclusive, eight volumes. Price $1.50 each.
A little circular coming into our hands shows the little Green’s Chapel Church, near Horse Cave, is keeping up its usual generous program of good works; $2,122.55, the total gifts for 1923. Much of the amount is for missions including Louisiana, Honolulu, Japan; and liberal gifts to Bowling Green Orphan’s Home.
From Basil, Kansas: “We had some fine meetings while Brother R. C. Bell was with us, and two were baptized.”—Frank W. Millard.
D. H. Friend came mighty close to the largest club sent in this year (outside of Louisville) bringing in about fifty names from Horse Cave, where he spent a few days with Brother Olmstead. Brother Olmstead con ducts two Bible classes a week in the High School there and one in the church.
A friend, a member of the “Office Club” (see page 38, February W. W.), offers to add the amount lacking to 20 subscriptions at 50c each for those who cannot pay. That is, you may send 50c and a poor person’s name and the amount will be made up, up to twenty names.
It may be interesting and encouraging to others, by way of example, to know that the Portland Avenue Church, Louisville, gave nearly $9,000 in 1923 as shown by the books. $2,600 went for foreign missions (more than for local preaching) and $1,500 for mission work in the home field. Neither is the Portland Avenue Church rich—except in faith and good works.
From Pulaski, Tenn.: “I preached in the country this morning and here in town tonight. Am now preaching for five churches and will add another to the list soon—’besides teaching mathematics in the High School here.”— Clarence Morrow,
Concerning “Great Songs of The Church”: “We are highly pleased with the books. I do not think a more beautiful collection of songs could have been compiled.”—Robt. C. Bowers, Gainesville, Fla.
“We think the books are fine.”—Mrs. C. V. Hutson, Marysville, Ohio.
“I believe this is the best book ever put out by our brethren, and possibly the best one out at all.”—Felix G. Owen, Santa Rosa.
“It is a good book.”—Austin Taylor, Uvalde, Texas.
“I think you have got out a most excellent hymn book. I can trace half a dozen song books that I have used largely in the past 23 years.”— Adel Del Vecchio, Mgr., N. J. Bible and Tract Depot, Paterson, N. J.
“Seventh Day Adventism Renounced,” by D. M. Canwright, who had for twenty-eight years been one of their preachers, and who finally with regret and aversion turned away from them is the great classic work of refutation of Seventh Day Adventism. No man should consider the acceptance of Seventh Day Adventism until he has weighed the arguments and reasons set forth by this good man. The book is obtainable through Word and Work.
Abilene, Texas, wires for another lot of the alphabetical hymnal, ‘Great Songs of The Church,” making 410 shipped to them to date.
We are offering Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen, No. 52, medium point, “self-filling,” chased barrel, cannot spill—standard pen for years, free for six new subscriptions at $1 each. Obtainable in men’s or women’s size.
Brother and Sister Sheriff and little daughter, Theodora, spent three or four days in Louisville passing through to Abilene from Toronto and Detroit. Brother Sheriff addressed a joint meeting at the Portland Avenue Church after speaking at the colored mission on the 22nd. He spoke in the Highland Church on the 21st. Brother George Klingman’s article in this issue also expresses the sentiments of Louisville brethren concerning Brother Sheriff and his work.
Are you following the “Lessons in Proverbs?” They began in January, but you can start in profitably any month. And by all means read the McGarvey article in this issue, “Why are the Jews Yet With Us?”
The fund to buy two needed American-style houses for workers in Ja pan is still some hundreds of dollars short, notwithstanding the excellent response. Now let’s complete that which is lacking right away; that will mean his one thing at least done right!
“We are greatly taken with the Word and Work. We think it is a splendid periodical—the best in fact that I have seen.”—J. Farley, New Zealand
Look for the expiration notice under the front cover, if your time is out —and renew now, so as not to miss a single issue.
Dear Reader: I have a perfectly harmless remedy that will stop all craving for tobacco in any form that I want every reader who uses tobacco to try. It has cured hundreds of people of the tobacco habit when other remedies failed. Also good for the stomach, liver, kidneys, nerves, and blood. Price $1.00 a box; six boxes guaranteed to cure any case of the tobacco habit for $5.00 postpaid. Please send for it and if it does not cure you, I will return every cent of your money. Your brother in Christ, Loomis C. Hinton Spencer, Ind. (Adv.)