Reposted on Sandra K Naugle’s Facebook page


     The following are parts of a devotion from Seeds of the Kingdom.  I love this scripture!

     Hope and a Future

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

     Psalm 18:2, NIV

‘I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple’ (Revelation 21:22); no need for church, no need for an altar, no need for any symbol of worship of any kind. Because God Himself is sufficient. God and the Lamb. Almighty and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting. ‘He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe’ (Ephesians 4:10). ‘“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power, for ever and ever!”’ (Revelation 5:13).

     Jesus was sent from the glory of Heaven to the darkness of the earth … ‘the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word’ (Hebrews 1:3). ‘There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as the light’ (Matthew 17:2). The glory of God, Father Son and Holy Spirit eternal is revealed. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”

     Now the earth has become a battleground. Dark shadows are forming in the world, rising like a serpent from the deep. A cloud of evil has descended upon the earth. How can this be? Mankind has opened the door to evil and allowed the enemy to infiltrate the camp. God’s presence is being ignored. God’s glory is being rejected. People have turned their backs on all that is good, righteous and holy, and embraced forces of evil and wickedness in the world. A spiritual battle is raging and clouds of darkness have returned to the earth.

     But God is eternal and cannot be defeated. His glory is forever. His love is constant. He has given us all a hope and a future. We need to hold on to Him with all our heart and soul and strength. Cling to Him, as we turn to the light in the face of darkness. Hold to all that is pure and true and righteous. Turn away from all forms of idolatry and evil, looking into the face of Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. ‘Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 1:6).



Father, out of the darkness came your Light of Life. I pray that this light would infiltrate the darkness and fill the earth with Your glory. Let there be light where there is darkness and hope where there is fear, when people reach out to the living God and know the safety of Your presence. At this time of pain and sorrow let the Sun of Righteousness rise with healing its wings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.