“With Η. N. Rutherford to lead the singing we continued for eleven days at Locust Grove in Simpson County, Ky. Immediate results, 19 baptized and 8 by restoration and membership. Rutherford’s work is great. The church has had a very prosperous year and was ready for the meeting.
The meeting began at Franklin, Sept. 7. J. M. Hottel, who labors there, led singing. Missed three services on account of funeral, but Hottel kept the fires burning. Brother Elam Derryberry led singing once and Brother James Salmon, of Woodburn once. Immediate results, 20 baptized, mostly adults and heads of families, and the church greatly revived. Two union tent meetings were in progress during the time and our congregations were never so large; but they were good and interested as the results show. Hottel doing splendid work there.”—H. L. Olmstead.’
“OUR WORLD TOUR,” a new illustrated book by Don Carlos Janes, describing brother and sister Janes’ missionary journey around the world, soon out, 208 pages; cloth; $1.50 to advance subscribers. Check will do. Order from Brother Janes or through The Word and Work.
From Stanford Chambers: “Buried in work. School going fine. Three teachers, 75 pupils. Had a good meeting at Borden, Sept. 14. Fine church there. I fear my little corner in W. and W. will have to be filled by another this time.”
B. F. Rhodes had a fine meeting at Rector, Ark., in August. A large attendance from the first; two meetings each day; a number of decisions.
“The meeting at Magnetic Springs, Ohio, was good. Light attendance, but many communities represented. Discussions pretty good, and fine spirit.”—D. C. Janes.
“The meeting at Meade’s Chapel, near Nashville, turned out well, and I believe that much good was done. Eight accessions, one restored. Enjoyed so much being with Brother Gardner and his people.”— R. H. Boll.
“We heard Brother C. C. Merritt (of The Living Message) Sunday and last night, at the Peak and Main Street congregation here.”— Mrs. A. L. Walker, Dallas.
“I had a good hearing at File’s Valley. Baptized five. Brother Taylor did splendid singing. Meeting starts with a good interest here.”—Earl C. Smith.
From Claud F. Witty, Detroit: “The work here is in excellent condition.”
From Allen, Okla.: “Have baptized 13 and reclaimed 2 so far. Will go from here to Nashville, Ark.”—Ο. E. Phillips.
John E. Dunn is now living and laboring at Temple, Texas. “We are now connected with the Dasher Bible School and get our mail from Lake Park, Ga. Wife and son Arthur will teach in the school.”—H. C. Hinton.
“Tokyo, August 25: Brother Rhodes leading and McCaleb and Bixler assisting, we have just closed a ten-days’ tent meeting up here in the mountain village near our summer abode. Rain hindered, but the children came anyway, and we had a fine time. The station master loaned us the ground for the tent. At the close a member of the village office came to us and expressed his satisfaction about the meeting hoping we would come again. This is where Brother Rhodes has been working some for three years. We are now in a three-day house meeting in another small village and then go to another village with the tent. Pray for us.”— O. D. Bixler.
“We are glad to report the fellowship of forty dollars from the Buechel, Ky., church, forwarded to us by Brother John T. Glenn. “It was the wish of the elders that we use it for necessary purposes preparatory to our African journey. This we have done. May the Lord bless this bountiful gift to His glory.”— Ray Lawyer.
From Coffeeville, Ala.: “I am closing my work here. The Lord has blessed my labors with seven additions. Six by baptism and three restorations. From here I go to Silas for a while and then to Louisville.”—G. B. Dasher.
From Rector, Ark.: “We have just closed a very fine meeting lasting 21 days. Brother B. F. Rhodes of Morrilton did the preaching well. The visible results were 9 baptisms and 2 otherwise, and the church strengthened and encouraged to greater effort. They are to send ten dollars per month to the South African Mission work.”—J. W. Dollison.
“The meeting at Eubank, Ky., was one of the finest ever known in that church. Thirty-four were added during the meeting. Brother Clymore is very highly esteemed by all. Besides these visible results there was much reading of the Word. At one evening service there were 146 who had^ read one chapter or more during the day. Pray for the work.”—Edw. E. Kranz.
Practical Geography, a pamphlet for the fifth grade, by Geo. Bos, 266 Burgess Place, Clifton, New Jersey, 112 pp. Maps and illustrations. Originally prepared for use in Reform Schools. Free from evolution and Darwinism. “In the beginning God created the heaven and earth” are the opening words. Obtainable through this office. LADIES WORK AT HOME. Pleasant, easy sewing on your machine. Whole or part time. Highest possible prices paid. For full information address L. Jones, Box 2, Olney, 111. (Adv.)
“I left Brother Will Ellmore to continue the meeting at Antioch, near Frankfort, Ky., over Sunday, Sept. 7, to start the meeting at Nelsonville. He will be with me Monday. There had been thirteen additions when I left. The attendance has been very large from the first, and the interest better than it has been during the seven years that I have been preaching there. Brother Ellmore is a great and faithful preacher of the gospel; he makes it simple, striking, and appealing to the intelligence and the heart. “We have one more meeting in Indiana. After that I intend, the Lord willing, to spend the winter in Philadelphia with Paul. I do not know what the prospect is for preaching the gospel in that city, but I shall try to do all the mission work I can while there.”—W. J. Brown.
O. S. Boyer has been in a good tent meeting, George R. Johnson singing, at Bedford, la. Only 20 copies of the September Word and Work— (the first of the Dallas Sermon Series) remain on hand. They will be reserved and sent to the next 20 yearly subscribers, new or old, who call for them. No more 4-month subscriptions at 25c will be accepted at this time—except such as may be in the mails or ready to mail now.
“Dawn Doctrine,” by Charles M. Neal, a great little tract exposing Russellism in an unanswerable fashion, 5c each, $1 the hundred. There was a decided increase in the number of our quarterlies ordered for the last quarter of this year. We can supply only a few more schools. 6c each, cards 4c; Elam Quarterlies, senior or junior, 6c; Little Learner paper, 3c; First Steps, 12c; Picture Rolls, $1 for the quarter. Order from or through us. We handle the best helps.
From Chattanooga: “In July I was in a good meeting at Dayton, Tenn. Here we had the hearty co-operation of the churches nearby. Attendance good and some were added to the Lord. In August I was with Rock Hill church, Rutherford Co., Tenn. Interest fine, with 24 baptisms and 5 restorations. This church promised to be a regular contributor to missionary work in some foreign field. I enjoyed this meeting more than any of the several I have held for them. “I began last Sunday with Main Street church in Winchester, Ky., with good interest. Brother Neal is doing a good work here. Our Home-Coming day at Central church, Chattanooga was a great day with us. There were about 600 people present at Sunday morning services, and about 268 at Sunday Bible School. We went out to Warner Park and spread dinner for about 400 people. Several placed their membership with us, and one was baptized. We thank the Lord for our splendid new house of worship and our enlarged opportunities for reaching people. Pray for us.”— E. H. Hoover.
H. Jackson, of Fern Ave., church, Toronto, is now in a wonderful meeting at Buechel, Ky. Brother Jackson spent August with the Meaford, Ontario church, speaking three times Sundays, and giving six special addresses. The work closed gloriously with nine young men coming forward to confess Christ on the last Lord’s Day of the month. The final results of the Buechel meeting will be reported next month.
One Evangelist who ordered 20 copies of “The Book of Revelation” (50c each), writes: “I placed the books on the stand in the church house and they were all gone before I began preaching. I wish I had ordered fifty.”
LOUISVILLE NEWS: D. H. Friend had a glorious meeting at Bohon, where 17 were added by primary obedience. Brother Boll is home from Meade’s Chapel, where there were 8 accessions. Jno. T. Smithson began at East View, Sept. 21, and L. K. Harding began at Worthington on the same date. The Buechel meeting began on the 28th. Perhaps no preacher visiting this district has ever won the interest and confidence of all more quickly than D. H. Jackson did in this meeting; and a more convincing presentation of the one glorious gospel comes seldom to any community. E. L. Jorgenson reports a most interesting month’s work with Bathurst St. church, Toronto, where Brother G. A. Klingman has spent the past year with most encouraging results. Brother Jorgenson had the privilege of addressing all four of the churches in Toronto that stand for the primitive order of things. The closing Lord’s Day at Bathurst Street was a glad and fruitful time, full of encouragement to the faithful there.