In Matthew 10:27-31, we read of an instance when Jesus healed two blind men. “And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.” And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, “See that no one knows about it.” But they went away and spread his fame through all that district.”

 As you read that story, it’s easy to concentrate on the miracle or the relief and gratitude these men felt as a result of their healing. But, for me, the last sentence is the most telling part of the whole event: “They went and spread his fame though all that district.”

Good news is hard to keep to yourself! When someone wins a prize, they want to tell others. When a baby is born into a loving home, the parents and grandparents want everyone to know! Any accomplishment is a reason to rejoice and when a favorite team wins, it’s hard not to talk about it. When World War II ended, the streets of most American cities were flooded with people cheering, congratulating one another, hugs were everywhere and smiles abounded! Good news is hard to keep to yourself!

We are not told how long these men were blind or exactly what happened that caused their blindness. Does it matter? If Jesus healed your blindness, what would you talk about…the blindness or the cure? Even though they were admonished not to tell others, they could not contain themselves. They went out and told everyone what had happened.

Jesus healing these men was good news for them, but it also held out the promise of good things for others around them. If he could heal blindness, maybe he could heal the lame, the leprous, the wounded and brokenhearted! It showed his power and others could have hope.

Has Jesus saved you from your sins? If he has, have you told the good news to others? After all, he has released you from the burden of sin. He has also given you hope of eternal life in Heaven. What’s more, there is joy that you did not have before and the benefit of knowing that God is watching over you. That’s good news and we need to tell others so they can experience the same hope we have! Good news is hard to keep to yourself! All of us need to be ministers of the word, reaching out to others and telling them “what good things the Lord has done” for us! O, will you not tell it, today?


    Gary Knuckles  lives in Briensburg, KY and is a retired minister.of the Gospel.