R.H. Boll has held short meetings at Horse Cave, Ky.,

Shawnee and Highland congregations, Louisville, and at Ripley, Tenn. Vinewood church, Detroit, Meadford and Cape Rich, Ont., Leon, Ia., Baird, Tex., and Powell, Texas, are among the churches that have adopted the new alphabetical hymnal, “Great Songs of The Church” within the last few weeks.

With four out of five apostolic congregations using it, Detroit, the city of singing churches, bids fair to “make it unanimous.” Uniformity in the use of a hymnal is the greatest aid to good singing everywhere. Whole districts have adopted “Great Songs of The Church,” large and representative congregations in practically every state and province of the United States and Canada. We think we may accurately say that it is now recognized as our standard hymnal.


W.W. Freeman is now in meetings in Tennessee.

From Thos. Lafollette: “We are having a good Bible School at Dillon, Ky.

N. B. Wright and I were at Rosspoint yesterday and there were 85 out for Bible study and preaching. Prospects are good.”

Emmet G. Creacy writes us that D. H. Friend and Thomas Joyner are to engage in a friendly discussion of four days’ duration, beginning July 10. The place is Center Point, east of Horse Cave, and all visiting brethren will be entertained. The subjects treated are in regard to Baptism, and the Holy Spirit.

“I have a harmless remedy for the tobacco habit that I want every user to try. I guarantee that it will stop all craving for tobacco in any form, no matter how long a person has used it. Write me and I will tell you about it.” Loomis 0. Hinton, Spencer, Ind. (adv.)

From W. J. Johnson, Gainesville, Fla.: “One was baptized at MacClenay, Fla., on the second Lord’s Day in June. I shall teach in the Dasher Bible School next year. I am now doing some special work in the University of Florida. The church here is doing well. Brother Prevatt is an untiring worker for the Lord.

Brother Boll’s lessons on Revelation are fine.”

E. L. Jorgenson is now in a meeting with South Louisville church.

From Winchester, Ky.: “On June 24, H. L. Olmstead, of Franklin, Ky., closed a meeting of fifteen days’ duration with the Main Street church. This was his second meeting with us and one of the best we have ever had both in the way of interest and results. There were twelve baptisms and three placed membership with the congregation from elsewhere. Bro. Olmstead put his best effort into the meeting and with the Lord’s help the meeting was truly a victory for the Lord, and to Him be all the praise.” Claude Neal.

From Stanford Chambers: “H. L. Olmstead was with us from May 29-June 3 inclusive, and delivered some powerful messages which did us all good. Two confessed Christ and two confessed their sins and backslidings. A. B. Barrett was with us the last Sunday in May and gave us a great lesson on the dangers of Evolution. The Lord willing, I shall spend a few weeks in tent meetings in Florida ·beginning about June 12th. May the Lord purge us and increase our fruitage.”

From Childress, Texas: “Work here is moving along nicely. There have been some twenty-one additions since the first of the year in our regular meetings. Nine by primary obedience, the others by relation. Some have moved away because of the strike, but others are coming in, so we praise God and take courage.” R. A. Zahn.

Brother Ben J. Elston writes of the Louisiana French work, from Carson, La.: “I have not thought it best for Brother S. Chambers to turn the accounting of help for this work over to me. But he has done it. Now help me do my best. I wish for the field better than I can do. I feel sure Bro. Chambers wishes the best-will do his best. His work has been invaluable. If God moves you to help, say whether you wish your gift to be for me, for Bro. Newman, for Bro. Prather, or Bro. Istre. I never appropriate anything for myself unless it is so specified. Specially, pray.” ·

 From E. H. Hoover: “I have just closed a good meeting at Rosedale, Miss. Only small band of a dozen of “our folks” there. They are very faithful. · Six came into the church during the meeting. Some heads of families. Church much rejoiced over results of the meeting. These attend services 100% strong in numbers and seem so in faith. They do some mission and charity work besides supporting their own work. Fine example for some of the older churches in Tennessee and elsewhere.”

We have some thousands of the tract, “Why Not Be Just a Christian?”, 5c each, 50 for one dollar, $15 the thousand. Nothing better for use in meetings.

“I spent two weeks of May at Wharton, Texas, where I delivered some special sermons on ~fundamental questions covering the subjects of “Evolution,” “Inspiration,” “Sin,” “Grace,” “Atonement,” “Faith,” “Repentance,” “The Holy Spirit,” “The Right Church,” “The Jew: Past, Present and Future,” “Undenominational Christianity,” “Things to Come,” “Heaven,” etc. The meetings were held on the Court-House lawn where comfortable seats and good lights had been provided. The community received us kindly and the churches of the town dismissed their night services all the time we were there. Attendance was fine notwithstanding school closing week and a street ~carnival two blocks away. Brethren at Wharton, Hungerford, and Bay City gave us spiritual and financial support. On Lord’s days we spoke for the ·brethren in the hall where they worship in Wharton. On my return I spoke six nights and on Lord’s Day at New Orleans. Two confessed Christ and two backsliders confessed sin.” H. L. Olmstead.

 From Frank Grammer, Shamrock, Okla.: “I am here with W. L. Oliphant in a protracted meeting. Six confessions up to date. We have a large tabernacle, and it is full at each service. From here I go to Westville, Okla., for an 18-days’ Normal Singing School; from there to Round Mountain, Ark., for an 18-days’ Normal Music School. Then to my home, Mena, Ark., to lead ·singing for our meeting; then to New Hope near Hackett, Ark., for an 18-days’ Normal, and while there I will lead singing for the Valley View Church of Christ with Bro. J. B. Nelson as preacher. Brethren, pray for me that I may ever live faithful and render the best service possible for our blessed Master.”

From Elmdale, Mont.: “We had a fine meeting yesterday and seven baptisms. Making a total of seventeen baptisms since the 6th of April. I concluded a meeting at the Timmons’ Schoolhouse last night and begin one at the Kurens School-house tonight.

Bro. J. 0. Golphenee begins a meeting at Hillcrest, Saturday night. Three of the seven immersed yesterday were husbands or wives that believed. The others were children of believers. Pray for the Montana work.” J. C. Bailey.

 Eight times as many “Great Songs of The Church” were sold in June as in June a year ago! Eventually, and permanently-“why not now?”

Have you ever made a cross-country drive in an automobile? The Words in Season, this issue, will interest you. And Don Carlos Janes’ ·”Sight-Seeing in Jerusalem” is delightful!

A fine article from D. H. Jackson, that spiritual, capable evangelist of Toronto, entitled “The Ministry of a Night,” is in the proof for next month.