“I want to tell you that the Lord’s work in Maine looks better than it has in years, and I am sure Brother Schell is going to do a fine work in Westbrook and Portland churches, by His grace. We want your prayers. Five additions at Portland last Sunday-looking for some at Westbrook.”-H. F. Stultz.

Quarterlies and other class supplies for the second quarter went out- promptly on time. We can still supply however, The Quarterly (for adults and seniors) .costs 6c, cards 4c per quarter, “Little Learner,” paper, 3c.

 Brother Loomis 0. Hinton, of Spencer, Ind., writes: “I have a harmless remedy for the tobacco habit that I want every tobacco user to try. I guarantee that it will stop all craving for tobacco in any form no matter how long a person has been using tobacco. Write to me and I will tell you about it.”

From Sunday School Times: “In regard to the very attractive and valuable hymn book, ‘Great Songs of The Church,’ we have received a second copy and are glad to use it here in our editorial library. We have also had occasion to recommend it to those inquiring for a good hymn book. .Again thanking you, and with best wishes, we are, Yours very cordially, The Editors.”

Correspondents will please note that the address of Bro. Don Carlos Janes is now at his home, 2229 Dearing Court, Louisville, Ky. Orders for free religious literature, gifts for the printing of literature and other missionary funds intended for his handling should be sent as above. ·

Now is the time to select tracts for the summer’s evangelistic work. Sample set of seven, 25c.

Chas. Neal, of Dugger, Ind., reports some souls added since their great meeting in January.

 Bible No. 27 4 has .a wide margin for notes. An excellent Study Bible. We have one to sell at a good reduction.

From. L. K. Harding: “Please announce that my address after March 28 will be changed from Toronto, to Henning, Tenn.”

Chas. W. Petch, who lives now at Rodney, ·Ontario, writes: ”I am still ‘striving for the faith of the gospel.’ We had two confessions here at a recent service.”

 Three special missionary meeting in the Portland Ave. Church, Louisville, were held in connection with Brother and Sister Janes’ return home after a winter’s work among the Southern churches. .

 How helpful our brother’s Revelation articles are! Profound truths, in the simplest language! Exegetical, practical, spiritual! If you have not read them from the beginning, go back now to the January number and make a commencement.

From Graton, Cal.: “You are putting out a wonderful magazine. The March number alone is invaluable to a seeker after truth. May I especially commend the articles, ‘.’War, Pacifism, and Christianity” to all Christians. It is worthy a permanent place in all our libraries. It seems to me that you are striking the bed-rock of the principles of the Christian’s relation to human governments and other agents of force. “Our little school, the Pacific Christian Academy continues to grow in numbers, usefulness and favor with the brethren, and I ·hope with God. Its enrollment has much more than doubled in the last three years. ‘ We have a great school in a great state, a great climate, among great people. How badly we need material equipment.”-0. W. Gardner.

 From Jacksonville: “We had 177 in Bible School last Sunday and two confessions and another has consented to be baptized .when these two are, making three to put on their Lord in baptism. Bro. Johnson, a faithful and good man, is with me this week; pray for us and this Florida field.”–H. N. Rutherford.

E. L. Jorgenson is again with the Bathurst St. Church, Toronto, for the months of April and May. He will return for a week’s work in the office once within this period

D. H. -Friend has closed out a fourteen-year ministry with the Horse Cave, Ky., church, to labor with the Highland Church, Louisville. E. L. Jorgenson, evangelist of the Highland Church for ten years, and· for seven years intimately connected with the publishing of The Word and Work, is to give still more time to the Magazine. Its growth and welfare seemed to require that he be released from the heavy, weekday, congregational responsibilities of so active a church as Highlands, preaching, however, if and near Louisville regularly on Lord’s days, and in the field, fully as much as herefore. It seems suitable to add that both men secured release from their respective congregations only over the greatest possible protest.

From East Toronto: “Our meetings are being well attended morning and evening and interest is good. Bro. Watterworth and family have all had the flu but are able to be back to worship again. Our Sunday school at Brother Jones’ on Gillard Ave. Sunday afternoons is growing, five teachers being required to look after the work. We are looking forward to our new meeting house in this district.”-A. E. Firth

From T. B. Clark: “Since my last report there has been considerable progress in every line of the work in the congregation at Gallatin. In December, Brother W. E. Morgan preached two excellent sermons for us, also Brother Jesse P. Sewell made us a very pleasant visit and preached a very excellent sermon. We have secured the services of Brother C. R. Nichol, of Clifton, Texas, to do the preaching in our spring meeting which begins the first Sunday in April. We are hoping for a great meeting. · “The churches about Gallatin in. Sumner County have employed A. D. Dies to do evangelistic work in the County during 1923~ He has entered upon his duties. very enthusiastically and energetically. Brother Dies is a native of this County and will accomplish a great good in this line of work. I am glad to have him as a worker associated with me in this section.

“Brother John E. Dunn was with us the second Sunday in this month and ·preached two sermons as fine as I have heard in a long time, and delivered a lecture in connection . with the general educational campaign which is under the general direction of those who are especially interested in Christian Education. At the present time he is working to raise a fund with which to build a dormitory to be known as the James A. Harding memorial at Harper, Kansas. I hope to have Brother Dunn with us again in March at which time Churches in this immediate vicinity will contribute to this work.” . .

 “I spent some nights last week at Amite with Frank Wheeler. Had splendid meetings and observed that Bro. Wheeler’s labors there have not been in vain. A very fine spirit exists there. Here in Romanized New Orleans, along with many obstacles, we find some things for encouragement. I am rejoiced to note that Word and Work is growing and hope this may continue.” -Stanford Chambers.

“Brother Janes. closed out February at Glenmora, La., where great crowds, eager to hear him and to see the pictures, gathered night after night. He did his best to accommodate them by giving his lecture twice each night. He was overworked and under-paid at this place. We all greatly appreciate his labors and think a congregation fortunate that has the privilege to hear his lectures. We are glad Sister Janes came with him.” -A. K. Ramsey.