2023 Kentucky/Indiana Fellowship

The July Fellowship will be held at Sellersburg Church of Christ July 17th through July 20th. The theme is “That You May Believe: 76 Years of Grace and Truth”.     There will be no daytime sessions. Monday night time is 7 pm (Woodland Singers) and Tuesday through Thursday time is 7:30 pm.

           PROPHECY MEETING:   Don McGee (from Amite, LA) will hold a Prophecy meeting at Mackville Church of Christ (Mackville, KY) April 2 – 5.  Sunday Morning 10 am.  7 pm nightly.

Fifth Sunday Song Services in 2023:

         April 30, 2023 – 6:30 – Hamburg

         July 30, 2023 – 6:30 – Sellersburg

         October 29, 2023 – 6:30 – Cherry Street

         December 31, 2023 – Unknown

          Lilly Dale Church of Christ continues to search for a full-time minister for our congregation. There are no upper or lower age or experience requirements. The church leaders are looking for the one who is called to minister to the congregation at Lilly Dale.    For further information please contact one of the Elders:

 Brian Williams: 812-449-4961, bpwfarm@psci.net  or Terry Sutcliffe: 812-836-2639, icivil@psci.net

           BREAKING NEWS:

Lord Willing: I, Robert Garrett, will be making a two month visit to Zimbabwe this year for May and June I am to depart Louisville, Saturday April 29 at 6:35 PM,  to arrive in Harare, Monday May 1 at 11:05 AM. My return flight – depart Harare 12:35 PM, Sun July 2. To arrive in Louisville 11:35 PM, Monday July 3.

I hope to visit a different congregation every Lord’s day, hold one or two “Gospel Weeks” and hold a short camp meeting up in Binga. Our four wonderful daughters will be taking turns to stay with their mother during my absence. Brenda Heid and JoAnn Broaddus live here in Louisville, but Shirley Lynch lives way out west in Washington, and Sharon Schreiner lives in Tennessee. They want to enable their Dad to do some work for the Lord in Zimbabwe.    

         Goin’ Fishing Ministries

Mike Abbott has now assumed leadership of GFM as the new Director.  Donations should now be sent to PO Box 2063 Denham Springs, LA 70726

     From Brother Mike:  Bro. Duane Jolibois and I leave on Tuesday, April 4 and return on April 20, on a Goin’ Fishing Ministries trip to Zimbabwe.  We will spend our first five days at Ruwa and Rockwood camp where we will be presenting at least eight lessons during their School Leavers Camp.  This camp is for those in their late teens to twenties.  We have been asked to teach on Christian living issues.  Topics include Preparing Your Heart, Putting on Spiritual Armor, Knowing Satan’s Schemes, Handling Conflicts Among Christians, and Sexual Purity.

     On Wednesday, April 12, we, and a few of the brethren from the Harare area, will make the day-long trip to the Binga and hold two camps.  The first will be a two-day Men’s Camp where we will be teaching on Christian Integrity.  The second two-day camp will be a churchwide camp where we plan on preaching through the Book of James.  In all we will be preaching / teaching 18 different lessons in four days plus whatever lessons the Zimbabwe brethren choose to teach.  The remaining few days in Binga will be used to visit and discuss details on how Goin Fishing Ministries (GFM) can continue to help the Binga area churches. 

      Last August, the church leaders had asked Bro. Paul Kitzmiller and I to help them with buying 150 Tonga (their language) Bibles and some hymnals to be used in the churches.  While we are still shopping for a better price, the price for now is $10 for each Bible.   

     GFM will also be shopping to buy a few bikes that the church leaders can use to visit members and attend leadership meetings.  Some of them travel as far as 20 miles on foot for church meetings and visits.  While there we will be working out the details as to where we can purchase bikes in Binga and how much they will cost. GFM will share more details when we get back home.  

     On Wednesday, April 19, Bro. Duane and I will leave from Victoria Falls airport, which is about two hours from Binga, and head home.

     If you would like to make a special donation to cover the cost of the trip, for purchasing the Bibles, hymnals and bikes, make your checks to Goin’ Fishing Ministries and earmark it Zimbabwe.  Our mail address is Goin’ Fishing Ministries, Box 2063, Denham Springs, LA 70726.  We especially ask for your prayers for the trip.

In Christ,

Bro. Mike Abbott, President of GFM 

        Editor’s Note: Please note the plea above for a special donation for the cost of the Zimbabwe trip and the Bibles, hymnals, and bikes. See info above.

       Please continue to pray for the Christians in Ukraine.  Those that we know have so far been safe, though many of them lost their homes and had to relocate. Those remaining continue to hold church services where possible and spread the Word of God and help others with food and supplies as they are able.  Missile attacks continue to cause widespread damage to the electrical grid as well as damaging buildings and killing citizens.  For many, no electricity means no heat.  This is a very serious problem as the cold weather months have arrived.      Please pray for an ending of this terrible war.                      

      2023 Ladies Inspiration Day on April 29th.

The 2023 LID is to be at Waterford Church of Christ on April 29th.  The Theme is “What Hat Do You Wear?” from I Corinthians 12:27-28.  The church address is 5607 Mt. Washington Rd., Taylorsville, KY. 40071.  Please get this on your calendar and plan to spend the day in fellowship and in  being encouraged through the speakers. Check-in time is 9 am.                 

               FALL LADIES RETREAT Sept. 29-30, 2023.

               THEME: FORGIVENESS

PLEASE BE PRAYING FOR THE 2023 LADIES RETREAT.  WE WILL SOON BE SENDING OUT MORE INFORMATION. We are excited to announce that the 2023 Retreat will be held at  the Silver Heights Camp in New Albany, IN.   This will be our 30th Ladies Retreat even though we skipped the three years. We are praying for at least  “30 Ladies for the 30th Year”  A larger attendance will be an answer to prayer on God’s terms. We will be using email to send more information once the program is completed. If you have never attended, please consider coming. We will be sending fliers out to the churches and handing out an announcement at the Ladies Day on April 29th at Waterford Church of Christ.  Please spread the word and be praying about this event and pray for the Committee as we pray and plan.  

       Southeastern Christian Education Corporation was established after Southeastern Christian College in Winchester, KY, closed, in order to use the funds from the sale of the property to the city. The funds are used for grants to eligible students to help cover the cost of a Christian college education.  Donations are accepted and should be sent to SCEC, 476 Sparrow Lane, Harrodsburg, KY 40330

     Compiled by Sandra Naugle, Co-Editor of Work & Work.

We do repeat items from past months in the News & Notes if they are still active.

Any news or announcements pertinent to this News & Notes  are  welcome.  Inclusion is at the discretion of the editors. Please send to sknaugle@gmail.com or text to 502-494-4185 or mail to 545 Linnwood Ave.  Sellersburg, IN 47172.