February 1923

“I had a delightful visit to Rockport, Ky., lately. 1Since the little band organized in October; the attendance has increased from 22 to 70.”-D. H. Friend.

Sister Witty writes that the work at West Side Central Church, Detroit, moves forward splendidly.

From Stanford Chambers, New Orleans: “Three baptized since last report. A colored brother here is accomplishing some- what among his own people. The introductory lesson on Revelation is fine.”

H. L. Olmstead is now in a good Bible study class at Ebenezer Church, near Harrodsburg, Ky. Would that the custom of winter Bible Readings, led by competent teachers, might spread greatly!

The Word and Work Lesson Quarterly-R. H. Boll’s notes and questions on the Uniform Lessons, may still be had for the first quarter. They cost 6c each in any quantity. We send Elam’s Junior Quarterly, 6c, to those who want something for children’s classes. The best Picture Cards cost 4c per quarter. The Little Learner paper for children (3c per quarter) cannot be duplicated at twice the price. They are not our own publication, however, and teachers will sometimes-not often-find a word or sentence which needs correction.

W. Stillman Martin, of Atlanta, composer of “God will take care of you,” and other famous songs, writes of “Great Songs of the Church”: “I unhesitatingly say it is the best song book I have seen since the days of the old ‘Gospel Hymns’ of Moody and Sankey, and it is equal to their combined collection. Had I known that you were compiling such a book I would gladly have contributed a new song or two.

From A. K. Ramsey: “Glenmora, La., closed out its first year as a congregation in a gratifying way, one added to our number the last day of the year. There were 49 baptisms in the field which I labor. I was in 294 public services. Received $1,069.30; Traveling expenses and postage $356.85; my cash contributions amounting to $102.95, leaving a net balance of $609.50. It is a great privilege to be a Christian.”

Will not those congregations of Christ that have helped Minneapolis in the past renew their interest in this most important field, and in this worthy worker? Brother Ray Lawyer, 2613 Fourth Ave., asks us to publish the following: We have been asked to take up the work here since Bro. Plank has gone to assist the church at Wellington, Kan. There are about fifteen faithful disciples. A place in which to meet costs twenty-nine dollars, heated. Contributions have fallen off during the past two years from one hundred dollars to ten or fifteen per month. This statement explains why I shall be able to do little of the personal work which above all needs to be done.”

“The Living Message,” Harper, Kansas (weekly) and the Word and Work may both be secured through this office for $2.

Sister Phebe Harlow sends a gift club of four names, adding, I couldn’t think of anything more profitable for a present.”

At last report Bro. and Sister Janes were at New Orleans, expecting soon to visit the Louisiana French field where Ben J. Elston labors so sacrificially, humbly, and helpfully.

“Two hundred subscriptions can still be started with the January Word and Work. In the years to come (should the Lord tarry) Brother Boll’s Revelation articles, begun last month, will be sought after. We have never published a special series—the Kingdom articles for example—that were not in demand long after all copies were gone. Get your friends in on these Revelation articles before it is everlastingly too late.”

From M. E. Gibbs: “The Revelation article in the January number is fine; not one thing in it for anyone to stumble over or be offended about.”

“I enclose check for $1 for year’s subscription. It’s worth more.” Clinton Davidson, Buffalo.

“Word and Work gets better all the time, and I want it. To visit some of my friends this year that they may get the Revelation articles.” W. W. Colglazier.

“On December 20, I was called to Cynthiana, Ky., to preach the funeral of Bro. J. T. Padgett, one of my very best friends on earth. He was a fine Christian man, having stood loyally by the preacher and the church during the five years I labored there, and since as well. The church at Salem has lost one of its main members, and the family its head. He leaves his good Christian wife, five boys and one girl, all Christians but the youngest. May the Lord be merciful to them.” J. Scott Greer.

Brethren at Campbellsville, Tenn, have arranged a “Union” song drill for ten days in February. E. L. Jorgenson will lead, and all the churches of the place will join in the class. There are a number of good song directors in various sections of our States capable of this work: why not many such classes during the winter months? “Great Songs of the Church” contains an inexhaustible supply both of gospel songs and the stately hymns for such classes.

The Highland Church, Louisville, “laid by” $100 for every Sunday of 1922, according to the treasurer’s report-the highest mark in its history. Better still, about two-thirds (over $3,000) was for “others”: missions, Christian education, or other work outside. The church is at peace and “pressing on.”

A number of large clubs are coming in: E. H. Hoover, 43; Jno. Abrams, 37—he intends to pass Hoover and make it 50—many others. The brethren are wanting those Revelation articles. Mrs. L. B. Holloway sent a club of 122.

Our faithful Louisville evangelist for the colored people, G. P. Bowser, and Sister Bowser, lost their child Lucille in January. (We ought not to say “lost”). She was an earnest Christian girl.

From E. L. Jorgenson: “At this writing Chas. Neal and I are partners—workers together at Dugger, Ind. 57 have been added so far, 45 of them in the last five days. Bro. Nel has tremendous influence here.”

From Portland Me.: “The work in Portland and Westbrook seems to be reviving some of late. We are unable to report any additions so far, but very shortly, we feel, there will be some on both places. Our Bible classes are doing good work. Just now we are studying Matthew on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and Genesis, Tuesday, and Thursday.”

“Unity, Me.: reports four baptisms during the year 1922; and the church strong in faith and courage, in spite of the very straitened financial conditions. Two young men from Unity are attending our Bible classed.” R. G. Schell.

Bro. Don Carlos Janes has spoken in more than fifty of the churches since his return from the old world and is not aware of having found any opposed to missions. Of more than twenty congregations visited on the present southern trip, nearly all are doing or have promised to do missionary work.

Bro. Janes’ condensed report of mission funds for first half of 1922 (examined by H. W. Wrye, B. W. Boyd and E. H. Hoover) shows $5 for the Missionary Residence Fund; Chas. Paine Bible, $12; work in China, $11; for Bro. McCaleb, $2; for his free literature, $4.25; his personal support on world tour, $189.25. Total $223.50. The balances in hand were: Building fund, $12; China, $1.