From Spencer, Tenn.: “Burritt College is booming. Biggest enrollment and finest Anglo-Saxon mountain boys and girls ever assembled here since I came three years ago. After Christmas we expect our capacity to be taxed.” James E. Chessor.
“The fifth Lord’s Day in October was Home-Coming day for the church at Gallatin, Tenn. T. B. Clark spoke at the morning hour. S. H. Hall at the afternoon service and the writer at night. Packed houses at all three services. Dinner was spread on the campus of Howard College and a fine period of social fellowship was enjoyed. There were brethren present from Nashville, Lebanon, Watertown, Old Union, Berea, Bush’s Chapel, Westmoreland, Rock Bridge, and Portland, Tenn. Also quite a number from Franklin and Shochoh, Ky., as well as from Birmingham and Montgomery, Ala.” H. L. Olmstead.
“I had some mission meetings in Ellis County, Oklahoma recently. Established two new congregations.” L. E. Carpenter.
“Closed at Monterey with eight baptisms, one restored and one by membership. Bro. S. A. Nicks, of Nashville, led the singing in an acceptable manner and proved himself a good co-work er in other respects.” H. L. Olmstead.
In a personal letter, G. A. Klingman writes from Abilene, Texas: “We are conducting our meeting with home forces this fall; Brother Sewell is doing some fine preaching; we began yesterday and will continue for eight days, with two other meetings going on in town. One confession last night.”
The two books by Philip Mauro reviewed in this issue are of particular interest and helpfulness. They are obtainable through the Word and Work.
From Sparta, Tenn.: “Beginning October 15 and continuing until Tuesday night, October 31, Brother G. A. Dunn was with us in one of the best meetings the church at this place has had for years. There were forty-four additions and the church was greatly edified.
“I have been with this congregation since the first of the year, and have accepted the invitation to stay another year here. We are expecting the work to continue to grow, and desire Bro. Dunn’s return for a meeting next year.” R. R. Brooks.
“I held a meeting at Glen’s Creek in Washington County, Ky., October 15-22. No additions, but most interesting week of teaching with folks who have learned to love and appreciate God’s Word. Brethren from Mt. Zion and Mackville helped much.” Claude Neal.
“The Church I Found and How I Found It”—a most re markable tract by Boll, 5c each, 50 for $1, $15 the thousand, with or without imprinted church notice.
Frank Grammer has conducted singing schools or led singing in meetings at Shelby, Purdin, Browning and North Salem, Mo., in the last two months, and was to go next to Valley View Church near Hackett, Ark. A part of the time he was associated with Charles A. Speir in protracted meeting work. Brother Grammer desires to give his whole time to the church in this capacity. His home address is 104 11th St., Mena, Ark.
From Dallas: “We have started a new church in Sunset Hts., Oak Cliff, Dallas, at close of a fine meeting in which I did the preaching. About one hundred members. The outlook is very hopeful.” John E. Dunn.
Alexander Stewart, of Toronto, is faithfully assisting the congregation at Pekin, N. Y., as well as Wychwood church in his home city.
E. L. Jorgensen was with his old home congregation at Albion, Neb., in a good meeting in November. The meeting was a teaching ministry intended chiefly for the church, and resulted in quite a revival of interest, particularly among the young people.
From Childress, Texas: “There have been four confessions in recent regular meetings here. The church made a liberal contribution to the Canadian, Texas, Orphanage. Interest in all departments of the church work is on the increase, for which we thank God and take courage.” R. A. Zahn.
From W. J. Johnson: “It has been my privilege to assist the church at Hildreth, Fla., in a series of meetings. Eleven were baptized, two were restored and the church strengthened spiritually. Palatka, Fla., is my permanent address.”
Brother Janes spoke at the Highland Church, Louisville, Nov. 5 and 12; also at other Louisville churches as well as at Sugar Creek Church, Thornes, Utica and Worthington. Brother and Sister Janes are now out among the churches going south ward on the “Ellen N.”
From Chattanooga: ‘“The work of Central Church of Christ, Chattanooga, Tenn., is making very good progress. I am beginning my eighth year’s work with the church. We have the largest Bible Sunday school and the largest church attendance now in the life of the church. The Central church has been established only about twelve years. The offerings of the church for last few months have averaged around $90 per Sunday. We think most though of our needs in a spiritual way and strive to make this the foremost thing in the church. The church enjoyed a feast of good things last spring in a revival in which R. H. Boll did the preaching.
“The other churches in this city report a good year’s work, and we feel that the work in Chattanooga is making very good progress. There are six of the old type churches now in the city and suburbs. Word and Work fine. It has the right ring and the right spirit also.” E. H. Hoover.
From Blackwater, Mo.: “I conducted the meeting at Unity, near Hopkins, Mo., the last part of August and first part of September. Two baptisms. Then we began a tent meeting in Blackwater, September 21, and preached about1two weeks until the weather got bad and closed our meeting, with one baptism and one restoration; but in a few days they opened the doors of the Christian Church house (which have not been opened for services for years) and we called together a little group to worship the Lord every first day of the week, according as it is writ ten. I preach for them every Sunday afternoon besides my regular work at Lamine.” J. Scott Greer.
-J. E. Thornberry preached at Campbellsville, Tenn., Oct. 28 and 29.
Subscriptions for Sunday School Times received until December 15 at $1.75. We can supply the November issue of this paper to any who may wish it.
From Amite, La.: “The church in this city is very weak, but we hope that the Lord may use us in strengthening them during our stay here. Pray for the work here.” F. L. Wheeler.
Brother Dickson reports an attendance of fifty on a recent Sunday at the new mission in Sneedville, Tenn.
J. Madison Wright, publisher of quite a good little book of 167 songs, “Scriptural Songs,” asks us to publish the following: “Scriptural Songs, a new hymn book, is now ready. Music by the best writers of today, and the words contain Bible Doctrine for saint and sinner. Every preacher and song leader should have a copy for his own use.” 25c, $20 the hundred, shape notes, paper binding. Sold by Word and Work.
R. G. Schell is now laboring with the congregations in Port land and Westbrook, Me. His address is 244 Woodfords St., Portland.
From Morrilton, Ark.: “School is doing well. We have more than one hundred students now.” A. S. Croom.