The reports from Evangelists in the field are encouraging·. Many souls are being added to the Lord, although it seems harder than ever before to move those who hear to obedience.

Mary Jane, eight-pound baby girl, strong and well, made her welcome advent into the Bixler home in Japan on July 12.

H. L. Olmstead recently conducted good meetings at Ebenezer church near Harrodsburg, Ky., at Mackville, and at Glen’s Creek. Fine attendance and interest, and good results everywhere. Brother Olmstead is now at Buechel, Ky.

Thos. Nelson & Sons, sole publishers of the American Revised Version Bible, announce a complete concordance to this version, ready Oct. 4. Price $5. The many users of the world’s best version of the world’s best book will certainly welcome and want this first complete Concordance. Advance orders will help us determine the size of stock to lay, in

Clarence Morrow, of Lynnville, Tenn., reports good services at recent appointments at Mt. Pleasant, and Nashville (Belmont) Tenn., adding a request for prayer for his “two approaching meetings.”

One hundred or more copies “Great Songs of The Church,” carefully used for only a year, and in good condition, can be furnished to some church that feels unable to pay the price of new books, (60c) at 25c each. Whoever first orders them will count themselves fortunate.

E. L. Jorgenson is now in a meeting with the church near Glencoe, Ky., where J. M. Hottel labors regularly.

Brother Boll has been with the church at Allensville, Ky., for one week lately and is now in a meeting with the Joseph Avenue congregation, Nashville. His next meeting is with the Highland Church, Louisville, Oct. 1.

Did you find an expiration notice under the cover this month? If so, renew promptly so as not to miss a single issue. Why not make it a club of four or more at 75c each? You will save at least a dollar, help three homes besides your own, and help us to “carry on.”

Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 11: “I had good meeting near Columbia, Tenn., fourteen coming forward, several of them for baptism. Pray for our work in Jacksonville.” Η. N. Rutherford.

W. J. Johnson wrote last from Day, Florida, where he was holding a meeting.

J. E. Thornberry came back to Worthington, Ky., where he preached regularly for years, this summer. R. E. Daugherty is the regular evangelist of this church.

Send in your order for next quarter’s class literature— quarterlies, cards, papers—now, so that we may ship your supply in good time.

Stanford Chambers has labored for several weeks with the Portland Avenue Church, Louisville, while on leave of absence from New Orleans. A tent meeting brought in about fifteen souls, from all sources. Brother Chamber’s preaching is always clear and good, and the spirit of it always faultless.

Some complain from more distant points, that The Word and Work does not always reach them in time to use the notes on the First Lord’s Day’s lesson. The best way around this is to order the Quarterly, 5c each, 20c the year.

Greenville, S. C., August 22: “Thirteen baptized here in meeting just closed. One since.

Twenty-eight members at services last two Sundays. Lot bought and paid for. We hope to build soon. Others have expressed an interest. We need the prayers of the righteous.” G. F. Gibbs.

The first printing of “Great Songs of The Church” sold out in slightly more than a year. See announcement of the improved edition on second cover page. Furnished in cloth only —fine silk art-cloth. We know it is a waste of money to buy song books—especially a book whose songs can never wear out— in limp or paper binding; and what we ourselves would not buy we will not sell. Cloth binding is the cheapest in the end, and always looks better.

Fort Worth, Tex., Aug. 12: “Bro. Zahn was operated on last Saturday morning, for Hernia. We came to Fort Worth, in order that he might have Dr. Harris, a noted surgeon, to do the work, and he is now’ getting along nicely. He has been suffering for about a year, and his condition became gradually worse until nothing but an operation could help him. We are greatly encouraged by reason of the sympathy and prayers of our friends, and ask you to join us in prayers for his speedy recovery. The brethren of the Childress Church have proved their sympathy and love, and we thank God for all His wonderful blessings. Our present address is Harris Sanitarium, 5th Rosedale, Fort  Worth, Tex.” Mrs. R. A. Zahn.

From Forest Vale Mission, Africa: “I have just returned from a trip to Mashonaland about three hundred miles from here, in a northeasterly direction. Absent over two weeks, spent two Sundays with our Native teachers and brethren, traveled twenty miles in an ox-wagon, walked over one hundred miles, while the natives carried my luggage over eighty. It was an interesting trip and I believe a profitable one, too, for the cause of our Lord. Preached several times, for about a week, and answered many questions over which our Native brethren were perplexed. But will send you a copy of the trip.” W. N. Short.