From the Facebook Page of Peace on Earth Ministries (POEM)
Notice where the capital ‘G’ disappears
Here is a poem for you:
Contemplation on Matthew 25:31-46.
Poem: Which Me are You?
OR You, Me and God We have a thing
You said you were hungry I saw you and I knew. Provide, my heart said, So I gave.
You, Me and God have a thing.
You said you were thirsty. I heard you. I know. My heart said give, so I gave.
You, Me and God have a thing.
You said you were a stranger. I could tell by a face I had never seen. My heart said, invite him in, so in he came.
You, Me and God have a thing.
You said, You needed clothes. I dared to look but look I did and I could tell. My heart said, Give of your bounty so I did.
You, Me and God have a thing.
News said, you were in prison. I heard, I know. Caring, I visited.
You, Me and God have a thing.
Only God knows my end.
You said you were hungry I saw you and I knew it. “So what” my heart said, So I went on.
You, Me and god have nothing.
You said you were thirsty. I heard you. I knew it. But my heart said “so what”, so I went on.
You, Me and god have nothing.
You said you were a stranger. I could tell by a face I had never seen. My heart said, “don’t invite him in”, so I closed the door on him.
You, Me and god have nothing.
You said, You needed clothes. I dared to look but look I did and I could tell. My heart said, NO WAY”. So of my bounty I refused.
You, Me and god have nothing.
News said, you were in prison. I heard, I knew. Not Caring, I didn’t visit.
You, Me and god have nothing.
Only God knows my end.