“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door

for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may

proclaim it clearly, as I should.” Colossians 4:2 – 4

May I share to you the updates, praises and prayer requests of Church of Christ local churches and of the Central Bible Seminary, CCWI’s teaching ministry.

CENTRAL BIBLE SEMINARY- Praise God that the Seminary is able to extend the training to different CCWI

local churches through virtual classes. We already pass the middle of the semester and hoping to end the 1st

Semester by January 14, 2022. Rejoice with us as one of my student in mission shared that they are starting a

local church in Cavite (South of the Philippines) after being challenged to do mission work.

PRAISES TO GOD- as some of the local churches ministered by CBS alumni are now starting the Sunday

worship and activities although with limited attendance.

MANILA CHURCH OF CHRIST (Central Phil.) – Pray for the ongoing project engaging Sport’s Ministry as a

means of leading people to the Lord especially the young people.

FRISCO CHURCH OF CHRIST (City in Metro Manila) Pray for their ongoing program to disciple the whole

family for Christ.

SAN JOSE, OCC, MDO. CHURCH OF CHRIST (South of Phil.) – Praise God for 6 local churches planted in this

province through the San Jose Church of Christ. Pray that they may be able to win more people to the Lord

through their Feeding program and mission works.

SAN JOSE, NUEVA ECIJA, CHURCH OF CHRIST (North of Phil) – Pray for the protection of brothers and sisters

against Corona virus in their place. As a result, their Student Center can not operate fully at this moment.

CHRISTMAS FOOD PACK GIVING– Pray that we will be able to show the love of Christ and will win more

families for Christ through this ministry of family gift giving by each local churches mentioned above. This

will be done during this month of December 2021 and early January 2022.

Praise God that though we seemed to be “in chains” (like apostle Paul) because of the Pandemic, yet the

word of God is being proclaimed in the lives of many people. Thank you also for your partnership in the

Mission works here in the Philippines.

A joyful Christmas and a Blessed New Year to everyone through Christ our Lord!

In Christ, Brother David Moldez