Word and Work to the end of the year, 25c.

Maurice Clymore’s work in the mountains of Harlan County, Ky., continues to bear much fruit. The last protracted effort (Rosspoint) brought 22 baptisms.

Stanford Chambers continues in fruitful meetings at Spencer, Ellis, Linton, and other Indiana points. He returns to New Orleans in September.

G. B. Dasher did a good work at Incline, Ky., in August. Ten obeyed the gospel. Nearly 50 have received the Word in the joint labors of Clymore and Dasher in the mountains during the summer. Thos. Lafollette and G. P. Suttles will “water” this planting.

“Odessa, Mo., Aug. 28: Meeting closed here tonight. No additions, but large crowds and fine interest. I begin at Eagle, la., Tuesday night. Pray for me.”— J. Scott Greer.

H. L. Olmstead is now in a meeting at Lynnville, Tenn. Before this he preached two weeks in South Louisville, Fifth and M Streets, with unusual interest. The brethren at this place are building a house. Still earlier, Brother Olmstead had good meetings at Mackville and Glen’s Creek up the state.

D. H. Friend’s good meeting at Scottsboro, Ala., closed with 16 baptized into Christ.

R.H. Boll is engaged at this time in a meeting with the Joseph Ave., Church, Nashville.

Word and Work Lesson Quarterly for October-NovemberDecember, 5c. Little picture cards, 4c a set per quarter.

H. J. Sudbury’s address is now Brinkley, Ark. He has recently been engaged in evangelistic services at Hardy and Ash Flat, that state.

A. C. Reader’s faithful work in the meeting at Eubank, Ky., resulted visibly in 5 ‘baptisms and 4 added to the congregation by membership. Brother Reader is a good man and a capable preacher who desires to give himself wholly to the ministry of the word.

Forest Hill, La.: “In a mission meeting near Turkey Creek, in July, eight were baptized into Christ and one redeemed from error. Bros. McQuiddy and Ramsey conducted a twelve-days’ meeting at Maxie, La., closing Aug. 7, in which 14 souls were baptized into Christ. The brethren at Iota made this meeting strong with their presence each night. We studied Revelation in day time and preached at night. I think the response to the love of God in the Bible lessons as good as I have ever witnessed. Some days nearly every cheek in the class was wet with tears as God s plans and purposes unfolded before us. In this class strength was stored up for the night session. Praise God for the good results.”— A. K. Ramsey.

A contribution sent to A. K. Ramsey, Forest Hill, La., for Glenmora building fund will be greatly appreciated by a zealous little congregation trying hard to establish itself in a promising field.

“Great Songs of the Church” is making a way for itself from Coast to Coast and from Canada to the Gulf. The best known leader in our brotherhood says: “I put ‘Great Songs’ on top of them all.” 75c each, returnable; $60 the hundred, dozens at hundred rate.

J. A. Perdue has been doing missionary work in Northwest Georgia all summer: at Lavender, at a place near Holland, and other points. One lone man, poor in this world’s goods but rich in faith, has supported this work, Brother Moon. Are there not others who wish to fellowship in this needed work in a destitute field?

From Lake Park, Ga.: “We have just closed a fifteen days’ meeting at Dasher, Ga. 12 were baptized and 4 Christians confessed sin. The day meetings wrere attended better than any I ever saw. People from Quitman, Valdosta, and Savannah, Ga., and Miami and Gainsville, Fla., and Nashville, Tenn., attended the meeting. Preachers who attended besides myself are, J. P. Prevatt. J. E. Boyd, G. E. Claus, Jasper Copeland and Brother Colson. We think the meeting was a harvesting of the faithful seed-sowing of Dasher Bible School teachers.”— Earl C. Smith.

From R. A. Zahn, Dugger, Ind.: “I had a short meeting in Chicago. Baptized three in Lake Michigan. The brethren started a permanent work at 55th and Blackstone. Also had a short meeting at West Terre Haute, Ind., in an unused movie-house. No visible results. Expect to return for a meeting later

“Work of the Central church is moving on very well. There have been a number of additions of late from the Sunday services. Splendid audiences and interest.

“In July I was in a meeting with church at Bell Buckle, Tenn. There were four added to the church. I have just closed a good meeting at O’Conners, near Sparta, Tenn. There were nine added and four reclaimed. Monday night next we begin a meeting with the South Pryor street church in Atlanta, Ga.”— E. H. Hoover.

“In spite of the busy western harvest time, the Lord blessed us with a splendid series of meetings at Schnellar School-house, six miles Southeast of Bromhead. Saskatchewan, where ten years ago I taught school. I therefore had a special interest in the people of that district. Seven persons turned to the Lord and were baptized, and one brother was reclaimed.

“I am on my way East to rejoin my wife and babe and prepare for moving to Carman, Manitoba. The inclosed folder may interest you. August Word and Work is splendid.”— II. L. Richardson.

The folder mentioned is a neat prospectus of Carman Bible Training School, of which Brother Richardson is to be principal, — described as “a great, humble work of the church of Christ, Carman, Manitoba.” Associated with him as teachers, or lecturers are H. A. Rogers, Daniel Stewart and L. L. McGill.

We have received the following note from D. McDougall, Editor Christian Monthly Review, West Gore, N. S .: “Would you say to your readers that a review of Ο. E. Payne’s book, ‘Instrumental Music is Scriptural,’ is now running serially, and will continue throughout the year in the Christian Monthly Review, and for publication later in book form. We will invite a few contributions from some of our able brethren, as Foreword, Introduction or Appendix to this book. May we anticipate something in this line from your staff?”

From Mrs. R. R. Brooks, East Chattanooga: “Mr. Brooks is in Texas in meetings. Has held two meetings, and is now in the third. He has had good success so far. The people gather in crowds, and seem willing and anxious to accept the Bible, and its plain teaching.”

E. L. Jorgenson’s meeting with the church near Glencoe, Ky., spoken of elsewhere in this issue, turned out to be a real revival, taking strong hold of the community and turning many to the Lord.

W. J. Johnson writes from Brookhaven, Miss., Aug. 15: “Began a series of meetings with the church at New Salem yesterday. Two people, about eighty years of age, have made the good confession. Our meeting at Amite, La., closed with eleven added. Maston Sitman, of New Orleans, did some fine work in presenting the message of Christ. He is now in a meeting at Loranger, La.”

-Larry Miles is Co-Editor of Word and Work