From Highland Community Bulletin
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Nothing less than the best
Before the 1939-45 war a school for the children of “untouchables” in India
received a shipment of Christmas presents from English children each year.
Each girl received a doll, “whose clothes took off and on!” and each boy a
toy. One year, the Doctor Sahib from a nearby mission hospital came to
distribute the presents and told the children about a village not far away where
the children had never heard of Jesus or of Christmas and suggested that they
might each like to give one of their old toys to be taken to these other
children. They readily agreed, and he came the next Sunday to receive them.
The boys and girls filed past him and handed a doll or a toy each. But–it was
the new presents that they gave. When asked why, a girl said, “Think what
He gave for us, and what He has done for us. Could we give Him less than
our best?” –Sunday School Times
She wanted to give all
In a Chinese school for blind children there was one girl who seemed too dull
and stupid to be taught anything. A lady visitor asked how she might help.
The nurse said: “Give that poor little girl a piece of money; she has never
possessed a coin of her own.” So the child received a five-cent piece, to her
great delight. Each day she planned some fresh way of spending it,
sometimes keeping it herself, and sometimes giving it to the nurse to take care
of for her. Now a meeting was to be held at Foochow for the Bible Society,
and this child knew that it supplied the school with Chinese Gospels in
embossed type for the blind. She was too ill to go to the meeting, but she
asked the nurse to take her five-cent piece and put it in the collection. The
nurse said: “Half of it would be enough. It is all you have. Let me change it,
and then you can give part and keep part.” But the blind child insisted on
giving all she had. She said, “No, I have never been able to give God
anything before; I want to give it all.” –Christian Life Sunday School paper
No ox for plowing
One day a Korean missionary was with a friend who was traveling through
the country. The friend was amused to see in a field a young man pulling a
plough and an old man holding the handles. “They must be very poor,”
remarked the friend. “Yes,” was the reply. “When the church was being
built, they wanted to give something. So they sold their only ox and gave the
money. That is why this spring they have to plow like that.” “What a
sacrifice!” exclaimed the friend. “They did not call it a sacrifice,” replied the
missionary. “They were glad to have an ox they could sell.” –Union Story