Ruth 3: 1 Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you? Now Boaz, whose young women you were with, is he not our relative? In fact, he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor. Therefore, wash yourself and anoint yourself, put on your best garment and go down to the threshing floor; but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. Then it shall be, when he lies down, that you shall notice the place where he lies; and you shall go in, uncover his feet, and lie down; and he will tell you what you should do.”
- And she said to her, “All that you say to me I will ”
Introduction: In the steps that Ruth takes, recorded in this chapter, we see the steps God’s people must take if they want to enter into a deeper relationship with the Lord.
Like Ruth, me must not be satisfied merely with living on leftovers (Ruth 2:2), or even receiving gifts (Ruth 2:14, 16). We must want Him alone, for when we have Him, we have all that He owns.” It’s not the gifts we seek, but the Giver.
I. Ruth Prepared to Meet Boaz Ruth 3:1-5
Many men could have and may have wanted to marry Ruth, but only Boaz could have redeemed her. Naomi knew that Boaz would be at the threshing floor that night and instructed Ruth to prepare herself to meet him there.
John MacArthur writes: “Encouraged by Ruth’s day in Boaz’s field, Naomi instructed Ruth in the way she should go to ensure a brighter future. Ruth carefully followed Naomi’s directions to solicit redemption by Boaz, while the Lord prepared Boaz to redeem Ruth. Only one potential obstacle remained, a relative nearer than Boaz.”
We need to interject here, that there was nothing wrong or immoral with what transpires. We must remember the culture and practices that were in effect at that time. Further events in the text confirm that everything was on the up and up.
Ruth made a fivefold preparation before she presented herself to Boaz.
- She washed herself (Ruth 3:3a) The Law of Moses required ceremonial washings, and taking a bath and changing clothes usually preceded a special event. Naomi was telling Ruth to act like a bride preparing for her wedding.
If Christians want to enter into a deeper relationship with our Lord, we must “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Cor. 7:1)
We must separate ourselves from whatever defiles us and grieves the Father (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1; James 4:7-8).
Wiersbe writes, “If the Old Testament priests came into God’s presence defiled, they were in danger of death. The Jewish people were conscious of the need for holiness as they came to worship God (Ps. 15); Psalm 24:1-6), yet Christians today rush into God’s presence without cleansing themselves of the sins that rob them of God’s blessings.”
- She anointed herself (Ruth 3:3b) Anointing oil speaks of the presence and working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The more we are like Jesus Christ in character and conduct, the more we please our Father and the more we please Him, the more He can bless us and use us for His
Christians must avail themselves of the presence of the indwelt Holy Spirit, whom we receive at baptism. We are to constantly seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives. It is through the Word of God that the Lord speaks to His children today, so this should motivate us to know God’s Word more and more.
3. Ruth prepared by changing her clothes (Ruth 3:3c)
She was to put off the garments of a sorrowing widow and dress for a wedding. Salvation is pictured as a change of clothes (Luke 15:22; Isa. 61:10), and Christian living means taking off the “grave clothes” of the old life, and putting on the “grace clothes” of the new life (Col. 3:1- 7; See John 11:44 NKJV).
We must, if we want to enter a deeper relationship with our Lord make sure that we come to Him with purity in our lives.
4. Ruth prepared herself to meet Boaz by learning how to present herself to him. (Ruth 3:3-4)
Warren Wiersbe writes: “There was nothing improper about this procedure, for it was the only way Ruth could offer herself to her kinsman-redeemer. She had to put herself at the feet of the lord of the harvest, and he would do the rest.”
Chuck Missler writes, “Do not misunderstand this passage. In our culture it would seem that she is propositioning him, but there is much more going on here. So, when Ruth says this to Boaz; she is making a claim on him to put her to wife because he is obligated under the Law of the Levirate marriage. [No matter how much Boaz loved Ruth, he had to await her move! How about you?]”
Like the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24), lost sinners can come to the Lord just as they are, and He will receive them and change them. But God’s children must “conform to the rules” if we want to fellowship with their father (Heb 10:19-25).
When we come together for worship, we must be careful to worship Him “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24).
5. Finally, Ruth, promised to obey (Ruth 3:5) “All that you say to me I will do.”
Ruth was an example of the New Testament admonition in that she was not only a hearer of the Word, but also a doer of the Word. Wiersbe writes: “The will of God is not a cafeteria where we can pick and choose what we want. God expects us to accept all that He plans for us and to obey Him completely. Coming to God with a hidden agenda and with reservations in our hearts will only lead to grieving the Holy Spirit and missing God’s best.”
Larry Miles is Co-Editor of Word & Work and attends Cherry St. Church of Christ in New Albany, IN.