The new song· book is ready! Read the last page of cover. From A. A. Nichols, Amity, Arkansas: “Will you please send me the back numbers containing the articles on the Kingdom?” We have frequent inquiries of this kind, but as these articles began last December, some months cannot lie furnished. Would our readers like to have the entire Kingdom series reprinted in one extra large issue later in the year?

     Brother Nichols requests a notice to the effect that a good girl of the right kind, willing to help with the housework, can find a good home with his family. References will lie given to anyone interested.

     From Glsnora, Sask: “Thanks to our Heavenly Father the little band that Brother Hottel gathered last summer for worship continues faithful. We meet twice every Lord’s day, and during th week we meet for prayer and study from house to house.”— Wm. Johnson.

“I teach the Bible lessons every Lord’s day in the village hall here, as these children have no other opportunity to receive such instruction.”— Mrs. 0. C. Nelson, Riverton, Minn.

     “I have purchased most of my books from Word and Work for years and have always been well satisfied with them.”— Frank L. Wheeler. We appreciate the thoughtfulness of Christians who turn the profits of the book business our way. Friends will remember that the subscription price is less than the cost of laying the magazine down in the home. Gifts and book orders make the difference.

Will someone furnish the address of J. Toone, of Canada?

     One day the office received this notice: “Please discontinue the Word and Work”; but a few days later the same writer sent this: “After considering the matter, I want the Word and Work sent, I feel that I cannot do without it.” Notices of discontinuance are seldom received at this office; however, some friends forget to renew until they have missed an issue or two, and a fewT forget altogether!

      From Longview, Texas: “My work in 1920 was very encouraging. and yet I could have clone more. I am now giving half of my time to the F Street Church in Ardmore, Okla. I earnestly pray that all the faithful may stand firm.”— T. H. Merchant.

  1. K. Harding is engaged in a meeting with the Valdosta Church, where G. E. Claus labors. Reports of splendid interest in the meeting have been received.
  2. L. Olmstead, who is devoting this year to evangelistic work, was the preacher in the recent meeting at Horse Cave, Ky. E. L. .Jorgenson assisted somewhat in the singing between Sundays. Interest and attendance were excellent. Best of all were the able expositions in the Roman letter, afternoons. Brother Olmstead’s meeting with the Highland church, Louisville, (deferred from last autumn) begins May 22.

     We have received this good report concerning one of the Tokyo missions: “Prospects are good now to have about twenty churches co-operate with the Abilene (Texas) church in its work at Kamitomizaka, Tokyo. This is the old Bishop foundation. Eleven baptized there this year. Recent letter reports $22.75 contributed by them last month on the Lot Fund. They are paying a third of the balance flue, totalling about $3,750. One important restoration was made. The medical student was making good progress.”

     We print the following note because the sender states that she is almost an invalid and her husband is crippled: “Embroidering dresses, piano, table and mantel scarfs, chair tidies, center pieces, sofa pillow tops, and many other pretty things for the home and for sale is a means of pleasure and profit with the New Perfected Parisian Art Embroidery Needle. Even a child can learn to use it in five minutes. More than five thousand sold in this city alone. A needle with instructions, and a sofa pillow top. stamped with a beautiful design ready for working, will be sent for one dollar. Agents wanted. Circulars and samples of thread sent free.”— Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas, 3260 River Road, Columbus, Ga.

     From Minneapolis (belated) : “Work here opening up very encouragingly. Have regular class at 6:45 P. M. Sundays for Bible study. Will start house-to-house prayer service this week. Four strangers and a sister from Billingsby, Okla., have found us. We have some splendid material here. Monthly contributions have dropped off some. Do not forget to pray for this work.”— J. M. Hottel.

     From Little Current, Ont., (also belated) : “Two young persons confessed Christ and were buried in baptism in the icy waters of the North Channel in front of our home on last Lord’s Day. They wanted to obey the Lord who died to redeem them, and did not seem a bit afraid of cold wind, icy water and waves; neither were they sick afterwards.”— H. L. Richardson.

     From C. C. Merritt: “We expect to be at our home in Davis City, Iowa, before long·. Then I want to get down to some special work, preliminary to the enlargement of the Harvest Work. J. F. Smith will be associated with me and may take the field in the interest of missions soon.”

     From Graton, Cal.: “The work at Graton is a pleasure. The church grows with its teaching. No one member has ‘trouble in’ for any other and each one seems eager to do right. At the Academy we have enrolled several new pupils recently, which brings our enrollment into the eighties. Prospects for another year have not been under way as much as might be best, as strenuous work, other meetings, etc., crowd in upon our time. A good feeling prevails and we look for splendid growth in days to come.”— Mrs. Geo. M. Scott.

     The editor is in a special meeting, with great interest at Dugger, Ind. Twenty-two had accepted the Savior at last report. Later, from Horse Cave: “The meeting continues. Olmstead preaching the word with power. Five baptisms, several have taken membership. Continue in prayer for us.”— D. H. Friend.

Fifteen copies of the book, Truth and Grace, by R. II. Boll, have been discovered in our stock. One dollar each.

     “I have a tobacco cure that I want every tobacco user to try. It is composed of harmless roots that will cure the tobacco habit of chewing, smoking or using snuff. It is guaranteed to stop all craving for tobacco. Price, $1 .0 0 a box or six boxes for $5.00, postpaid. One box will often cure the habit and six boxes is guaranteed to cure any one of the habits. Send for six boxes, take it according to directions, and if it doesn’t cure you let me know and I will return your money.”— L. O. Hinton, Spencer, Ind.

     We clip the following from the Missionary Messenger. Who could be worthier of support than this saint? “This is the end of January and I have received for the support of myself and wife only $10. It takes more to live with one of us in America and the other in Japan than if we were both under the same roof. Living economically it will take about $150 for our needs. This is at the rate of $75 each.

     “‘ I was wounded in the house of my friends’ and several of the churches that have long contributed to our support have, because of this it seems, ceased their co-operation. T have not a word of complaint for the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want. I have served him in Japan for nearly thirty years and I am sure He will not forsake me now.”—J. M. McCaleb.