(From the print copy)

     This issue is much belated, our printers being unable to get the magazine out in time this month on account of sickness among the personnel. We regret this exceedingly but the circumstances were both unforeseen and unavoidable. All the Lord’s Day Lessons are included so as not to break the files. We hope to have the June issue out on time.

     From Coal City, Indiana, comes the word of a special meeting in progress, L. K. Harding preaching with twenty-two additions up to date. Later: Closed with 34 added.

     Paul C. Young is again laboring with the church in Westbrook, Me., while attending school at Harvard University. He is interested in locating brethren in Boston. Address him, 66 Wendell Street, Cambridge, Mass.

     A good brother writes commending the Kingdom articles: “These articles are needed. It seems to me that teaching is needed on no other subject more, unless it be on the Holy Spirit. I find many brethren think the Holy Spirit is ‘only an influence felt from reading the word.”’

        C. C. Merritt writes from Corpus Christi, Texas: “We will be home by April 1 and in West Virginia for a meeting to begin April 17., Lord willing. Some good will come. I think, from my work in Texas.”

     ‘ Look for the expiration notice under the wrapper, if your time is out. Renew promptly so as not to miss the next magazine.

     More and more Bible classes are using the WORD AND WORK Lesson Quarterlies. Several hundred extras have been printed for the second quarter to supply the late calls. Samples free.

     From. New Orleans: “Interesting meetings. Six sermons on the street corners tonight. Olmstead is fine.—To me the French work seems urgent right now.” Stanford Chambers.

Most of the Louisville congregations have had accessions to their membership during the past month. Six baptisms in the Highland Church.

     “This is a reading age. If we fail to provide good, wholesome reading for our homes, the devil will dump a lot of his garbage on our center tables.” W. H. Huff.

     A few copies “Gist of the Lesson”, by Torrey, on hand. 40c. each. “The “Gist” is decidedly the best vest pocket help on the International Lesson. The Little Lesson Picture cards are 4c. each per quarter (13 cards), the Word and Work Lesson Quarterly, 5c. each in any quantity.

     From Glendale, Kentucky: “The work is progressing nicely at Glendale. Pray for us.” B. B. Brooks.

     From Zanesville, Ohio: “Fine meetings both morning and evening last Lord’s Day. Two more took membership. More strangers dropping in and expressing themselves as pleased and interested. Brothers Wilbur and Clyde both took active part in the services Sunday. Brother Wilbur went at it boldly, manfully and unafraid. Brother Jorgenson’s meeting has put new life into the congregation here. Everybody up and doing, many visitors at Sunday evening services.” Μ. E. Pennell.

     From Chattanooga; The Central Church, E. H. Hoover, minister, reports a fine year’s work. “Largest church attendance and Bible School have ever had. The total offering for last 13 months is above $7,500. The church has been established in this part of the city only about 12 years. We have had two baptisms and several to put in membership recently.” E. H. Hoover.

     The surest way to get all the Lord’s Day lesson on time is to order the quarterly.

Three were added to the Burnett Ave. church (c), Louisville in Brother Bowser’s March meeting.

     R. A. Zahn baptized two at Dugger, Ind., some days ago

Song Book news appears on page 127.

      “Better is a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who knoweth not how to receive admonition any more.”— Eccl. 4:13