WOODLAND BIBLE CAMP (The Month of July)–14-22 Sunday – Monday)–Grades 9 -12 and First Two Years of College Age 20 The final performance of the Music Week will be at Sellersburg Church of Christ the evening of July 22. Parents should pick up their children there. Directors: Joan Marsh & Ginna Franklin Contact Joan at sjmarsh@yahoo.com


WOODLAND’S NEW LOOKA special thanks to John Ford, Ed Woosley and  Joe Overman (and many more workers), the old tabernacle is gone but replaced with a brand new meeting place. These men have been key in the demolition of the old building and the construction of the new one.   You have to see it to believe it.    The old, wooden benches are gone but replaced by pews from a nearby Christian Church. There were also men from  Tell City who contributed.   Many donated generously.    The baptistery is in place along with a newly remolded bath facility and changing room.  It is truly amazing what skilled hands and a unified effort can accomplish.  Chapel at Woodland will never be the same again!   

WOODLAND SR. WEEK (Justin Adams).  “The Love of Christ” featured an in-depth word study of 1 Corinthians 13. Modern culture asserts that love means acceptance and even celebration of whatever sin a person thinks will bring happiness, but it’s the Lord through his Spirit and the Scriptures who reveals the truth. So, each day we worked on memorizing I Corinthians 13 and searching the Scriptures for examples of agape (doing right for the sake of another even if painful or difficult). Throughout the week, campers asked honest thoughtful questions and showed encouraging interest in applying God’s Word to their lives, and several confessed sin and rededicated their lives to the Lord. There were also 5 baptisms with at least one other planned upon returning home.  About 60 people attended the week, roughly 40 campers and 20 staff.

INTERMEDIATE WEEK REPORT (DAVID POUND)  For Intermediate Week, we had 46 total present (this was our lowest attendance ever; usually in the low 60’s; not sure why the attendance was down).  Of the 46, there were 19 campers, 5 were campers, 12 student staff and 10 adult staff. Our emphasis was on Christian missions. Our classes were on Christian persecution using a video series of American young people smuggling Bibles into Vietnam developed by Voice of the Martyrs. We had a Spirit filled week. 

2019 Kentucky Indiana Christian Fellowship Week – Celebrating 72 Years! July 22- 25, 2019.  Day Sessions at Portland Christian School (8509 Westport Rd., Louisville, KY) Night Sessions at Sellersburg Church of Christ (213 S. New Albany St., Sellersburg, Indiana)   See program included.  


1) There is a right time for everything:

2) A time to be born; a time to die; a time to plant; a time to harvest…

(Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 — The Living Bible) The “right time” for a transition in the leadership of Lamb & Lion Ministries has arrived.

After much prayer, extensive discussion and careful planning, the Board of Trustees of this ministry has decided the time has come for me to step aside and turn the leadership of this ministry over to a new person. That person is our current Associate Evangelist, Colonel Tim Moore.

I had originally requested that the transition take place on April 1, 2020 — the 40th anniversary of the ministry. But Tim’s current commitments will not allow him to take over until September 2021. So, we have 26 months to go as of July 1, 2019. During that time, as Tim gets freed up from his commitments, he will take an increasing role in the management of the ministry, working closely with me and Rachel Houck, the ministry’s Chief Operating Officer.

 WARREN WIERSBE Bible teacher, pastor, and preacher died May 2, 2019 at age 89, leaving an impressive legacy of teaching, preaching, and mentoring countless pastors. Through his lessons, broadcasted sermons, and over 150 books, he resourced the church to better read and explain the Bible. Of all his many writings his “Be” commentary series is his most well known and well loved, including books like Be Loyal (Matthew), Be Diligent (Mark), Be Compassionate (Luke 1–13), Be Courageous (Luke 14–24), Be Alive (John 1–12), and Be Transformed (John 13–21). Wiersbe saw his love of expounding the Scriptures as a gift that God had given him for the sake of others: “Writing to me is a ministry. I’m not an athlete, I’m not a mechanic. I can’t do so many of the things that successful men can do. But I can read and study and think and teach. This is a beautiful, wonderful gift from God. All I’m doing is using what He’s given to me to teach people, and to give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.” Wiersbe amassed a prodigious library during his lifetime, so much so that when they were house-hunting in Lincoln in 1980, ahead of their move to Back to the Bible, Betty told the realtor, “We are looking for a library with a house attached.” Wiersbe chose to leave his collection of around 14,000 books to Cedarville University as a part of the Warren and Betty Wiersbe Library and Reading Room.

CHURCH OF CHRIST WORLDWIDE- CENTRAL BIBLE SEMINARY MAY BEGINNING AND ENDING TOWARDS FOREVER  “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14  There is truth in the saying that in every beginning there is an ending. Central Bible Seminary begun the Academic Year 2018-2019 last August 12, 2018. 2018. After 9 months of training and learning, the Academic Year ended on May 20, 2019 with its 56th Commencement Exercises last May 20, 2019. The graduates sung the song, “In Christ Alone” which is partly  in response to the 5 Solas of the Reformation as mentioned by the commencement speaker namely : Christ alone (Solus Christus), Scriptures alone (Sola Scriptura), Faith alone (Sola Fide), Grace alone (Sola Gratia) and Glory to God alone (Soli Deo Gloria) Before the graduation ends, the  graduates and everyone prayed that after the Commencement Exercises, we will continue to share and  preach the good news of the  saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ into all the world before the end will come.

After graduation, students, graduates, and alumni continue to minister and share the message of salvation so that before the world ends, people will have a new beginning and experience eternity in God’s Kingdom. Praise God that in Jesus Christ our Lord there is a new beginning and forever. Please pray for us as we prepare for the Academic Year 2019- 2020. Pray for me and other teachers as we prepare lessons for the subjects that we will be teaching. I hope to join the Church Planting Training of the Bible League in 6 different parts of the Philippines as CBS takes a break. this month of June and July 2019.

Thank you very much for your partnership with us as we journey with God and bring others to Christ to righteousness and to forever. “Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:2-3 In God’s Service, Brother David Moldez