27th ANNUAL LADIES RETREAT – OCTOBER 27-28, 2017 at Camp Kavanaugh, Crestwood Kentucky. Program begins Friday (10/27) at 6 p.m. and concludes on Saturday (10/28) at around 2:30 p.m. THEME: “THE JOY OF THE LORD.” Speakers include: Karen Johnson, Tammy Miller, and Joy Garrett.
CITIZEN’S WEEK at Woodland Bible Camp was attended by as many as 75 people. Thanks to the Planning Committee composed of Ray and Sandra Naugle, Rex and Marcia Prather, Robert and Jackie Gill and Ed and Clara Woosley for a very enjoyable and enlightening week. The topic was the book of Micah which tells of God’s holiness and judgment along with present and future deliverance. Eight different speakers gave an overview or presented one of the seven chapters. Just as apt today as in Micah’s day is the question he raised: “What does God require of you?” along with his answer “to do justly, to lover mercy, and to walk humbly.” Your news and notes compiler was surprised that he and his wife were named the 2017 Honorees and our names were added to the bricks in the Woodland Walk. We are thankful for the camp and each one on the board who has kept it going along with all who support it. Next year’s Sr. Citizen’s Week will COMMEMORATE 30 years and already the committee is planning toward having a BIG WEEK!
CHERRY ST. CHURCH OF CHRIST (New Albany, Indiana – Nick Marsh Minister) –Homecoming on October 8, 2017—Speaker: Jason Worley. Fellowship Dinner to follow.
KENTUCKY AVENUE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Louisville, KY – Jim Gillaspie Minister)
Revival – Oct 22-25 (Sun – Wed)
Theme: “Bible Prophecy: A Timeline Of Future Events”
Speaker: Brother Paul Kitzmiller
Service Times: Sun 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. Mon – Wed 7:00 P.M.
The church is located at 4136 Hickman Ave., Louisville, KY.