logoww100 Years Ago, February 1915 Word & Work — Mrs. A. K. Ramsey’s book, “ Burritt, Our Alma Mater,” is now ready. It will do you good to read it. Order of the author, Hol­lis, Okla. Price, $1.50.

90 Years  Ago, February 1925 Word & Work –-From Cynthiana, Ky.: “We feel greatly encouraged with the work at Salem. Think the work starts off with greater zeal this year. Good meetings this month. Church sending regularly for missions, both at home and abroad.”— Edward E . Kranz

80 Years Ago, 1935 February Word & Work–From Mackville, Ky.: “The depression has hit me hard but we cannot get along without the Word and Work as I have never missed a copy since Bro. Chambers started it at New Orleans. Wife and I feel it is food for our souls. May the Lord bless and prosper it I pray.”— G. W. Young

75 Years Ago, 1940 Word & Work –, 1940. Highland church, Louisville, is happy and ~rateful beyond mcnsure for a growmg spirit of revival and spiritual blessing from the Loi d. Attendance, visitors, offerings, Bible clnsses1 evening attendance, young people s activities-ull seem to be at the highest point in years.– E. L. J.

60 Years Ago, February 1955 Word & Work —The Kentucky Bible College of Winchester, Ky., is presenting a Bible Conference on her campus from February 14 to 18. The theme of the Conference is “Study to Show Thyself Approved.’’ Frank M. Mullins, Sr., head of the Bible Department, is director of this great Bible study week. The first session is scheduled to meet at 9: 00 a. m., Monday, and the closing service will be Friday night. TheBible teachers are R. H. Boll and Frank M. Mullins; the afternoon speakers, W. L. Brown, Albert Martin, Dennis Allen (by recording), Dewitt Garrett, and on Friday afternoon the five Japanese students will have charge of the program; at night the speakers are: Orell Overman, Robert B. Boyd, Earl C. Mullins, Howard Marsh, and H. L. Olmstead. There will be special singing each day.

50 Years Ago, February 1965 Word & Work —Alexandria, La.: The series of gospel lessons given by Jesse Wood from Nov. 15-22 were Christ-centered messages. To make Christ first in your life, His word must be heard, believed and taught. No one is left to believe and teach other things as he pleases.

40 Years Ago, February 1975 Word & Work —Cramer & Hanover  Church, Lex., Ky. Bro.  Rutherford celebrated  his 85th birthday, Wednesday, January 15. This church should he truly grateful for the wonderful example of Christian living and serving that God has put before them.

30 Years Ago, February 1985 Word & Work –-I enjoy the “Word and Work” each month and so  do  many of us here at Piedmont. May God richly bless your continuing efforts. Craig Sanborn

25 Years Ago, February 1990 Word & Work –Sudden Promotion to Heaven Neal Phillips was killed instantly when a truck veered out of control and hit him head-on. This occurred Jan. 18th. Neal had ministered at the Oak Grove Church of Christ in Independence, La., for 17 years; before that he preached for other congregations. He was one of the original singers in the Good Tidings Quartet that engaged in traveling evangelism and radio ministry, beginning in the 1950’s. Just 3 months ago Neal wrote a report for W&W about the deaths of the 3 founders/ leaders of the Good Tidings Radio Ministry, and now he is with them— and with his Lord. Pray for his wife

10 Years Ago, February 2005 Word & Work–Joint Mission Meeting was held at Lilly Dale Church of Christ (IN) with Tell City Church of Christ (IN) on January 26m at 7:00 p.m. with Bro. Earl Mullins Sr.  David Johnson and Eddie Olberding plan to go on separate ministry trips to Kineshma, Russia in coming months. One will go with Earl Mullins Sr., the other with Paul Kitzmiller.