A BOOKLET entitled “Fruits of Adversity” is available to any who request it.  It chronicles the struggles of Japanese missionary Motoyuki Nomura’s work in the slums of Korea.  A brief biography follows the account.  Orders may be sent to Douglas Broyles, P.O. Box 951, Jennings, LA  70546, or broylesjoyce@yahoo.com.  The booklet is free, but donations for Bro. Moto’s work can be sent to Church of Christ Worldwide, c/o David Harding, P.O. Box 54842, Lexington, KY  40555.

CUTTING AVENUE CHURCH OF CHRIST at 1812 Cutting Avenue, Jennings, LA 70546, is hosting a Ladies’ Inspirational Day Saturday, October 13 from 10:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.  The theme is “Be Born In Me” and will center on having four attributes of Jesus (compassion, forgiveness, humility, and wisdom) born in us and made to grow like Him.

Speakers will be Janice Sue Crowell of Enterprise Boulevard Church of Christ in Lake Charles, LA; Shirley Williams of Oakdale Church of Christ; Trana White of Cypress Creek Church of Christ; and Brenda Leggett of Pine Prairie Church of Christ.  Young ladies reading introductory remarks and leading in prayer will be Kara Crowell of Lake Charles, Cierra LaCaz and Lauren White of Cypress Creek,  Hannah Abshire of First Church of Christ in Jennings, and Chelsea Trahan of Family Life Church of Christ in Jennings.  Debra Sigmund of Lake Charles will lead the singing.  Kathy Oliver will sing the theme song and other specials will be by Danielle Simon of Jennings, and a trio of Sheila Gough, Kay Roberts, and Yvonne Weatherford from Turkey Creek.  Lunch, child care, and door prizes will be provided.  All ladies, young and old, are invited to enjoy a day of worship with us!


LeCompte Church of Christ (Louisiana) (Dillard Fontenot, minister) announces their fall revival October 5-7 (Friday – Sunday) with Bro. Paul Estes preaching.   Basket dinner following Sunday morning service at the church.

Cherry St. Church of Christ Homecoming will be October 21; speaker-Bob Yarbrough; worship service at 10:30 AM; dinner-on-the-grounds after the service.

Hamburg Church of Christ Meeting October 21-24; speaker Paul Kitzmiller.

PORTLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL…begins a new chapter with the opening of this school year!   This week we were blessed as we opened the  new school year with 478 students.  The Little School with 68 children, plus 410 in grades K-12.  Education is a high calling; the Lord Jesus directly speaks to teachers with a serious reminder of the impact of their words and actions.  Luke 6:40 tells us “everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.”  PCS has a faculty whose goal is to reflect the standards set and modeled by the master teacher, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It is our goal to nurture the potential with each child so they can discover the hope and future the Lord has planned for them.  (Jodell Seay, Executive Director)