Jinei & Kazuko Tomura — 338-0002   5-16-18 Shimo Ochi-ai Chuo-ku, Saitama City, Saitama pref. Japan   — tom525@hotmail.co.jp

Items of Praise

  1. Five of us have been preaching the word of God by the grace of God. Our brothers preach once in a month and the rest I do preach.
  2. We have started two study groups on Sunday morning. One is for new comers, and another is brothers and sisters. Sunday school for children is going well. Children are enjoying the class.
  3. We have completed our annual booklet entitled, “At that moment.” It is blessing and good chance for all of us to review our faith in Christ. We could have sent this booklet to many Churches and individuals in Japan.
  4. There are some new comers in our worship. We pray that they will become a part of the body of Christ.
  5. There was symposium at the university that has connection with our history. I participated in the symposium as one of speakers.
  6. My training to bring the word of God among people is still going on both monthly seminar and 3-5 days retreat a few times in a year with much blessing.
  7. I have been blessed studying spiritual care in graduate school level at the university almost every Saturday. This helps me to serve people better, I believe.
  8. I thank you for your unceasing prayer support for the mission of Christ in Japan.


Items for Prayer

  • As we think of our future in leadership and church growth we must seek God more.
  • I have mentioned about a prisoner in the last report. He was baptized on Jan. 30 2011, and he is now with us worshiping together. Our prayer is for him to grow in Christ since he has to fight with his unwanted habits.
  • There are still people who seek to follow Christ. Please pray for them to step forward to Christ and find the new life in him.
  • We are moving toward the end of 2011. There will be some events ahead of us. Our prayer is to glorify God through all events.
  • I will have an interview by Christian broad casting company on Nov. 1st, and I will be speaking for Philippine churches 11th anniversary in Japan on Nov. 27th afternoon.
  • I need your prayer for my ministry of the word of God that I may be able to serve people with the word in mighty way in every occasion.
  • We are continuously praying for people in various sicknesses around us that they may be kept each day under the mighty hands of God.
  • Please pray for being able to do the ministry well that the Lord has given me.